The Boost
September 2022
Table of Contents
President's Message

Desiree Bombenon
Education Committee Update
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne
Committee Chair
Hello again;
It seems like August has flown by, and Autumn is beginning to show in my neck of the woods. Usually, I would dread the fall, but this year I am looking forward to our September 26th COACH U Leadership Clinic and Convention. It will be the first time in a few years we'll be able to meet in person, and I am counting down the days to Kingston. If you cannot join us in person, there is an opportunity to join us virtually, so get signed up today!
The theme for August was "slow down and BREATHE." The Education Committee had a great huddle reminding us of the importance and gift of breathing exercises. How is this helpful? Simply put, it releases stress hormones and grounds us. It brings your thoughts and energy from the "flight or flight" response back to regulating and stimulating relaxation, which helps clarify our thoughts and boost our efficiency and productivity.
In summary, although summer will soon slip into fall, we can take the rejuvenation of the sunshine and awareness of our breathing and prepare for the fantastic opportunities that the upcoming seasons will bring us. Perhaps you will want to join the Education Committee? Incorporate more breathwork and meditation into your life? Challenge yourself to do something uncomfortable to increase your growth? On behalf of myself and the Education Committee, whatever it may be, we support you and remind you to "just breathe."

Gloria Tonne
Boost Spotlight
Why you need to come to
Memories to share - Enjoy!

Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Mentoring Leadership Program - Creating a Golden space for people to Grow
Goal: To establish a program for our industries upcoming leaders that will provide them with professional development and networking opportunities with other industry leaders.
Format: 10 90-minute Sessions over 10 weeks – Start date October 13, 2022
The ideal candidate has exhibited leadership qualities and has the potential for significant leadership within the business and the industry. This person is a lifelong learner and has a proven track record of implementing what they learn in order to improve their performance as well as that of the business. This person must currently be in a supervisory role.
Candidate must be committed to attending and be fully available for all ten 90-minute sessions and to offering feedback to assist CAM-X in future programs of this nature.
Has been employed with member company for at least 2 years
Has attended a COACH U Leadership program either in person or virtually
Owner’s Responsibility: This is a commitment of allocated time for the candidate and confirmation that the candidate has strong potential of being a leader in your business with a proven track record for implementing what they learn.
Program limit: Only six (6) Candidates will be chosen from the applications received
Topics and Speakers:
Barbara Bradbury: Learning to love and appreciate 10 Workplace Personalities
and help them to find their success!
Pat Vos Leadership vs Management, which hat do you wear when
Gail Smit: Treat Your People Better Than You Want Your People to Treat Your clients and their callers
Sabrina Perron Emotional Intelligence
Cindy Roma: Processing Challenges
Deborah Anders: Be the Change You Want to See
Trish McMaster: Personal Responsibility
Nadine Sans-Cartier: Successful call quality monitoring by Building Relationships
Gloria Tonne: Resiliency
Linda Osip: Pre Session #1 will be a ‘meet and greet’ for the mentees offering instruction and homework for upcoming sessions. Session #10 Debrief and feedback
Mentorship Program Application Deadline: September 20, 2022
COACH U September 26-28
Convention September 27-29
Kingston, Ontario
Would you like to become more involved with CAM-X?
We are looking for committee members for all committees and we would love to see new faces involved in webinars and COACH U as a speaker or panelist. This is an opportunity to GROW yourself. There are some pretty cool people who are waiting to meet you and help in your career evolution. Email me and I'll hook you up! linda@camx.ca
*Recordings of all webinars are available email linda@camx.ca
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact linda@camx.ca for instructions

Two Grey Suits
So, Who REALLY Has Time For
The People Issues?

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
Probably the most disrespectful thing you can say to an employee is that you don’t have time to deal with their issues. This is a statement that cuts very deep – and it happens a lot. Managers may think they have valid reasons for this response; they may simply not have the physical time available, they may not know how to deal with the issue or they may not care to deal with it. Some typical issues are: training requests, time off requests, questions about decision making boundaries, business process questions or people policy questions such as vacation, pay raises, benefits, etc. Some infrequent questions could be around privacy and confidentiality, harassment claim procedures, maternity leave, jury duty leave, etc.
The number one reason cited in most surveys as to why employees leave a company is the treatment they receive from their immediate manager –and this often revolves around not getting responses to valid questions and concerns.
The labor market is going to get significantly tighter and you will feel the effects. The baby boomer demographics are being felt and there will soon be more people leaving the labor market than entering it. This means it’s going to be an employee’s market out there.
In the years to come, expect to see job candidates turning the tables and asking the employer questions about people policies, management behavior with examples, benefits, career development opportunities and pay practices to name a few. Smart companies are getting ahead of the curve and gearing up for what will be an unprecedented time in history where new entrants to the labor market will have great latitude in choosing their employer. This is the coming reality and the statistics bear it out. Consider this future scenario. In 2020, successful companies A and B are in the same labor market for additional resources as business has been brisk, their products are in demand and they are experiencing profitable growth. An advertisement is placed for a senior buyer or a customer service rep. Company A has a positive environment in terms of friendly people, office space, decent benefits and a promise of continued growth. Company B has that plus they’ve invested in people management structure and processes. People have job descriptions and are working to specific objectives, career planning is the norm, they have a training and development policy, a full suite of HR policies, and a well understood system of performance reviews and pay increase processes. They also have invested time in providing their managers with people management skills.
Who do you think will employ the best candidates?
We may think, naively, that current and potential employees will not be interested in these issues but let’s be very clear on this point. Potential employees will, without doubt, be in the driver’s seat. They will have choices to make and they will unquestionably be doing their own due diligence on potential employers. In addition, companies that don’t put the essential HR basics in place will risk losing good employees to those companies that have. The bottom line here is that the companies that don’t have time to deal with people issues now and don’t put the HR basics in place will have the tables turned on them, as their current or future employees, really won’t have time for them either.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
To login as a user: camx.twogreysuits.com
Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly linda@camx.ca
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members
Convention Committee Report
Convention 2022
Respectfully submitted by Brad French, Convention Chair
No looking back, forward we go!
Wow! It is hard to believe that we will finally be getting back together in person! I cannot wait to host you all in Kingston. Our agenda is great but to finally be able to meet again in person will outshine everything.
If you cannot make it in person, I do recommend you sign up for virtual sessions. It will not be the same as in person, but you will get to see the great line up of speakers that we have.
I would like to thank my convention committee of Linda Osip, Erika Jaksic, Gary Blair, Dana Lloyd, Ken Goldenberg and Steve Newell. You guys have made planning this so easy! And thank you for being on the committee for three years, which is when planning for Kingston 2020 initiated.
Now is the time to Register! https://www.camx.ca/2022-conference
I cannot wait to see you all in a few weeks!

Brad French

Kingston, Ontario