Become a Member
What Does It Mean to Be a CAM-X Member?
Founded in 1964, the Canadian Call Management Association (CAM-X) is an industry trade Association representing the needs and concerns of Call Centres and Telephone Answering Services across North America. A not-for-profit, member-driven Association, CAM-X is comprised of a cohesive group of concerned business people dedicated to helping owners and managers increase their business markets, profits, and opportunities.
As the National voice for the Call Management Industry, CAM-X contributes to our member’s profitability by fostering a willingness to exchange ideas, experiences, and solutions while promoting the general welfare and ethical standards of the industry. The needs and concerns of the Call Centre and TAS industry are at the forefront of all CAM-X activities.
For Our Members

CAM-X provides regular seminars to improve service, exchange ideas, and meet technological enhancements.
CAM-X represents the industry in regulatory issues with industry and governing bodies including the CRTC, Public Utility Boards, and Telephone Companies.
CAM-X develops working committees to provide a vantage viewpoint of our industry on communications issues.
Member Services
Pre Employment Software
Personality Profiling
COACH U Leadership Training
Annual Convention and Trade Show
Members and Supervisors List Serve
CSR and Supervisor Certification
The Boost Monthly Newsletter Publication