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President's Message

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Desiree Bombenon

Respectfully submitted:  Desiree Bombenon, President



Listen to Desiree

President's Message

Education Committee Update

Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne

Committee Chair

Hello Everyone,

As the days get longer and the temperatures rise, I am more prone to whimsy and daydreaming of fun times spent outside, embracing my seasonal hobbies, and learning new gardening and planting methods. As a self-professed life-long learner, the lessons never stop. 


The Education Committee met last week and discussed the fantastic feedback you left in our care regarding what you'd like to learn more about in the upcoming months. We had an energizing conversation about the forthcoming Webinars and new guest presenters who have come forward to share their ideas and expertise. Keep your eye on the listserve for the announcements. 

On behalf of the Education Committee, we are excited to meet with everyone at the in-person gathering on September 26-29 in Kingston, ON, for the fall COAC H U Leadership Training and CAM-X convention. The lovely keynote speaker, Sarah McVanel, will discuss her solution to great resignation. The round tables and networking sessions always hold great takeaways, and we're sure you won't want to miss them. 

With the summer solstice fast approaching, I encourage everyone to embrace learning something new, spend time outdoors, and create moments away that will replenish your heart.

Like the great Alfred Mercier said, "When we learn with pleasure, we never forget."

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Gloria Tonne


Member Spotlight
Drew Ritter with Advantage 
Telemessaging, West Reading, PA

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CAM-X News





Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director


Welcome New Supplier / Vendor Member: 





















COACH U & Convention Highlights

COACH U: Highlights:  Moving Forward Together 

                       Mental Health check up - how have we adjusted?

                       Managing People not Employees

                       Receiving feedback and 'How am I giving it?

                       Managing a hybrid workforce

Convention Highlights: 


Pre - Conference Day Event:  Trolly Tour of Kingston & Fort Henry Tour -Details to follow

Convention Opening Reception

  • Opening Keynote:  Sarah McVanel:  Recognition: The Solution to the Great Resignation 

You’re not losing your best people to the competition. A bump in pay won’t stop the turnover floodgates. Gone are the days you have too many resumes. The Great Resignation is here.
Microtrends have collided to create confusion about how to retain today’s workforce. The good news is, employees’ needs haven’t changed… they’ve just started voicing it louder as they stomp out the door. Are you listening?   Welcome to the Age of the Employee Experience.

  • Workshop hosted by Sarah McVanel and Dana Lloyd (AnswerPlus) Where Have All the Good Ones Gone 

No applicants, new hires not lasting through onboarding, turnover within first six months of being hired. Have we ever, as an industry, seen such a turnover tsunami and talent drought? So what can we do about it? Where have all the good staff gone? (And are they even out there?) In this breakout, learn about how AnswerPlus took their staffing crisis as an opportunity to reimagine and reinvent their talent journey. By taking a big picture view of the employee experience, they were then able to put in place specific, concrete, practical, energizing, and successful micro-tweaks in the early phases of an employee's journey with the company. Not only were their much-needed gains, but this work also fueled an excitement to reinvented and reintroduce strategic people practices. If you want to explore how you, too, could create a short and long-term approach to workforce planning in the age of "The Great Resignation", join Dana and Sarah to learn, discuss, and explore what is possible. 

  • Awards Luncheon!

  • Agent Panel:  Hosted by Jen Ferby:  Who are you going to call?  Myth Busters!!!

  • Networking Breakout Session

  • Pub Crawl:  FUN times in Kingston!

  • Employee Engagement Session

  • Keynote:  'Changing My Mind'  Margaret Trudeau - Celebrated Canadian & Mental Health Advocate (Included book signing for all delegates)

  • IT & Security:  Bill Hughes & Friends - A relevant and engaging session about Keeping up with the complexity of change

  • Closing Keynote:  Dr. Dr. Stephen W. Thomas is a professor and researcher at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, ON, Canada. He is also the Executive Director of the school’s Analytics and AI Ecosystem, an award-winning hub for research, teaching, and collaboration in applied analytics and artificial intelligence.

  • Gala Dinner on the  Kingston 1000 Islands Cruises


Member News


UN Global Compact Network Canada recognized Desirée Bombenon for championing the Sustainable Development Goals


May 24, 2022, Calgary, AB — SureCall is thrilled to share that the UN Global Compact Network Canada has announced that Desirée Bombenon, CEO of Surecall, has been selected as one of 3 Individuals awarded as a 2022 SDG Pioneer for Canada.




Would you like to become more involved with CAM-X?

We are looking for committee members for all committees and we would love to see new faces involved in webinars and COACH U as a speaker or panelist.  This is an opportunity to GROW yourself.  There are some pretty cool people who are waiting to meet you and help in your career evolution.  Email me and I'll hook you up! 


*Recordings of all webinars are available email

Pre Employment Software Update:

We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

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 Show your staff they are worthy: 

CSR and Supervisor Certification

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Pre Employment Testing Demo Available

Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits

Two Grey Suits 
From Independent Contractor
to Employee

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This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.


By: Megan Burkett (at the request of TwoGreySuits)


Megan is a lawyer and a member of the Keyser Mason Ball, LLP Labor and Employment Group. Her practice is focused on employment and labor issues, particularly as they affect employers. For additional information about Megan or the firm, please visit

From Independent Contractor to Employee: If your company uses the services of an independent contractor, at some point you should consider the following question: at what point does an independent contractor become an employee?

A mischaracterization of the relationship can result in liability under numerous statutes. In order to ensure that the relationship is correctly classified, there are a number of characteristics that differentiate between an independent contractor compared to that of an employee.


Implications under Statutes

What are the implications of mischaracterizing an employee as an independent contractor? For tax purposes and in the context of employment law, it is important to accurately characterize the relationship. The Canada Revenue Agency may disagree with characterization and conduct an assessment of the relationship. This can create problems for both a company and also for the independent contractor. A company should be remitting taxes on behalf of an employee and the remittance would not occur if the company incorrectly thinks that a person is an independent contractor. In addition, a person who believes they are an independent contractor may be in for a surprise when they have been deducting business expenses and then find out that the Canada Revenue Agency considers them to be an employee. For employment law, an employee is covered under various types of legislation including the Employment Standards Act, S.O 2000, chapter 41 (the “ESA”), the Employment Insurance Act, S.C. 1996, c. 23, the Canada Pension Plan, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-8, and the Canada Labour Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2, to name a few.

Each of these statutes have their own definitions of an employee, so even through a person is an employee under one statute, they may be considered as an independent contractor under another. Companies will have obligations under some or all of these statutes for an employee.

A company may be liable after the fact where an employee was incorrectly classified as an independent contractor. Under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, S.O. 1997, chapter 16, if a person is injured and it is determined that they are in fact a worker and not an independent contractor, then the company has an obligation to pay contributions. In the event the employer wants to end the relationship with a person, the classification is important since as an employee the person may be entitled to remedies under the ESA and the common law for wrongful dismissal, which would not be available to an independent contractor.


Characterization of the Relationship

When using the services of an independent contractor, you should be looking for someone who operates their own business and will be providing services to a number of different companies. The contractor can even provide services to businesses in competition with you. The business operated by the contractor should have its own GST registration number and the business should submit invoices for the services rendered. The independent contractor should sign a contract clarifying these terms and confirming the status of the relationship. However, classifying a relationship as that of an independent contractor is not enough. The entire relationship between the parties must be examined. The line between independent contractor and employee may begin to blur when the answer is “yes” to some or all of the following questions:

1.Does the company control the contractor’s activities?

2.Does the company provide equipment to the contractor?

3.Does the company assume all the risk in the projects with the contractor?

4.Does the contractor maintain an office at the company and only works out of such office?

5.Does the contractor participate in the company benefit plans?

6.Does the company reimburse the contractor for expenses?

7.Does the contractor work during hours specified by the company?

These questions do not represent an exhaustive list, since each individual relationship must be analyzed in its totality. However, it does provide an indication of whether the relationship is no longer as the parties have classified it. It is also important to examine the duration or permanency of the relationship.

If the independent contractor has been providing services for the company for years, has become dependent on the company for income, and is performing little or no services for other companies, that is an indication that the relationship is becoming that of an employer / employee.



In order to ascertain where the relationship falls, the company should begin by analyzing all relationships with independent contractors. Each relationship should be assessed individually. This is a good exercise for the company to engage in to establish where their obligations fall with respect to these workers and to determine the steps company can take now to ensure that the relationship does not astray any further.

TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.


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  • Enter your email address and Password CAMX01

  • If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly


The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:


  • The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise

  • 24/7 HR Hot Line

  • Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members

Member Spotlight


Convention Committee Report

Convention 2022

Respectfully submitted by Brad French, Convention Chair


No looking back, forward we go!

This year’s CAM-X convention which will be held in Kingston Ontario from September 26th-29th.  The Partial agenda can be viewed here.

As we finalize the social activities, I can assure all in attendance a good time.  Our Gala Cruise will be a spectacular evening touring the beautiful 1000 Islands.  For more information check out their website.

If you arrive early, our pre-conference event will take you to historic Old Fort Henry, which is visible from our hotel. From there you will get a tour of Kingston on our tour trolley.   The trolley is a great way to see Kingston.

There has also been some discussion about how to get to Kingston.  When this convention was originally booked Air Canada did have flights from Toronto into Kingston.  Unfortunately, over the past few years and restricted travel, Air Canada has cancelled this route.  I am hopeful that they will restart them soon.

That being said, we are two hours from Ottawa and two and a half hours from Toronto and Montreal.  I highly recommend taking VIA Rail, business class.  This really is a great experience and a luxurious way to finish your trip to Kingston.  For our American friends, Syracuse is a short two-hour drive, and you will find that there are many flights into Syracuse. 

Don’t forget that COACH U will be held just before convention allowing our supervisors to learn from our keynote speaker and attend the awards luncheon. 

Registration is now open.  Click here to register.

I look forward to seeing everyone!  Mark your calendars now!

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Brad French

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Kingston, Ontario

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Phone: (905) 309-0224


P.O. Box 373
Grimsby, Ontario

L3M 4H8

© 2023 CAM-X

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