The Boost
September, 2021
President's Message

Brad French
Respectfully submitted: Brad French, President
As summer comes to an end, I have to say I am getting super excited for our convention. I miss seeing everyone in person, but our virtual convention will allow us to see each other while travel restrictions continue to loosen up. I would like to thank all our sponsors for this year’s convention. We could not do it without you. Please make sure to visit our vendors virtual booths.
Thanks to Scott Lyons at Extend Communications our attendance at COACH U will be the largest we have ever had. Our virtual COACH U has had tremendous success this year. I would like to thank Linda and our Education committee for creating incredible sessions. I know my team has raved about them.
As I reflect on my second term as President, I hope that our focus on education and training has helped our members through a troubling year full of adversity. One of the true benefits of CAM-X is the sense of community that is formed with our members. It has been difficult to replicate virtually, and I know we will all be eager to see each other once again in 2022.
One of our goals as a Board this year was to get more levels of involvement of our members. I believe we have succeeded in this by the number of attendees at COACH U and Convention as well as our webinars that focused on technology, IT security and our Agent Series. Again, thank you for participating. It is our members that makes CAM-X such a great organization.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as President.

Membership Engagement
Leslie Wilson
Its that time of year when there is so much going on. School is starting up and the kids are heading back. Vacations are coming to an end and parents are either not ready to let their littles go or already have lunches packed and clothes laid out.
It is also the time of year for COACH U and Convention. 6 days (3 days for each) of great content and information to take back and use within your company that best suits your needs. You don’t want to miss out! Register today!
Sometimes, stepping back isn’t what it's cracked up to be. 😃 Our member spotlight decided he wasn’t quite ready to leave it just yet.
Jeff Zindel with AnswerPro sat back for 3 years enjoying life but decided being back in the industry was where he wanted to be. Join me in getting to know more about Jeff. (See September Spotlight)
Everyone has a story. How is your story written?
If you are interested in sharing your story and the journey you have taken with in your organization I want to know about it. Please get in touch with me at leslie@teleconnectservicses.ca so we can share in your success together.
Fun Days in September:
September 5th: National Cheese Pizza Day
September 9th: National Teddy Bear Day
September 16th: National Play-Doh Day
September 19th: International "Talk Like A Pirate Day" Rrrrrrrrr
From Agent stations to the big desk, no matter what our position is, we are all successful. What made you successful? Why do you get up every day and work in the company you are in? Please get in touch with me directly to leslie@teleconnectservices.ca and tell me your story. We all have a story, what is yours?
The Spotlight is for anyone; agents, supervisors, programmers, sales staff, management and business owners. We want to throw open the doors and make introductions that strengthen the connections within the industry! We want to get to know YOU! Check your junk folders…..?
We want to continue to recognize you and your staff. Everyone in this membership is important. If you know someone that has stepped up or has done something worth recognizing please let me know. It matters and we want to share it.

Member Spotlight
Jeff Zindel
Q. When did you join AnswerPro and what brought you into the call center industry?
I purchased AnswerPro in Oct of 2018. I have been in the industry since June of 2000. My first company was Accurate Communications, LLC
Q. Can you tell us a little more about the evolution of your career path with AnswerPro?
After selling Accurate and sitting out of the industry for 3 years, I decided I needed to get back in!
Q. What was your first CAM-X experience?
I think my first conference was in 2011 and subsequent conferences since then.
Q. Can you tell us more about why you become a CAM-X member?
I enjoy the membership tremendously and appreciate the educational opportunities offered by CAM-X.
Q. What does your company look like today vs. ten or more years ago?
Remote agents are prevalent today vs. 2001, technology has changed dramatically, clients are much more savvy and know what they want in a service provider. Today we are 90% remote, servers are cloud based vs. premises based and we have a very diverse customer base that allows us to be unique in our offerings.
Q. Tell us a little personal background about you, your family and your hobbies or interests.
I have been married for 40 years to my beautiful wife Susie. I have one son, Jeff ll who is the VP of Operations for AnswerPro. I love spending time at our lake home in NW Iowa (yes Iowa!). I wish I could say golf, but that’s a stretch.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Welcome New Members:
Education Committee Update:
COACH U Leadership Training Three days of Virtual Program
September 14, 15 & 16
Transitioning to a Leadership Role with Barbara Bradbury
Stress & Mental Health
Learning to listen
Remotes – transitioning back to the office
Dealing with difficult people / co workers and clients
Change Management / dealing with continuous change: platforms, scheduling software / how to coach fear and resistance from staff that feel intimidated
Prioritizing what is important and urgent
Pricing, Details and Registration
Virtual Convention & Trade Show
September 28, 29, 30
Listen to Keynote Speaker: Kirk Weisler
Bulk pricing and interchangeable registrations for maximum participation
How to make money and save money in the new world!
Tuesday, September 28
12:00 – 12:10 Opening Remarks & Welcome with Brad French, Leslie & Heath
12:10 – 1:15 Keynote: Kirk Weisler: Aaahhh, The Refreshing Leader
1:30 – 1:55 Gary Pudles COVID Story
2:00 – 2:25 Vendor Time
2:30 – 3:15 Crystal O’Hara – Remotes: The whole nine yards
3:30 pm Kirk Weisler: ZIP, ZAP, ZOOM! Overcoming Fatigue in Remote Teams
Wednesday, September 29
12:00 – 12:45 AI Case Studies with Michael Leibowitz & Desiree Bombenon
1:00 – 1:30 Jeff Doyle: Smiledog Story and Starfish Culture
1:30 – 2:00 AGM
2:05 – 2:45 Cyber Insurance: Kevin Casey
3:00 – 4:00 Break Out Networking
Thursday, September 30
12:00 – 12:25 Pricing Strategically - Do you know your worth with Gary Blair
12:30 – 12:55 Vendor Time
1:00 – 1:45 Sales & Marketing Strategies: Aaron Boatin & Steve Newell
2:00 – 2:45 Pat Vos – How to weather the storms
3:00 – 4:00 Awards Presentation & Closing Remarks
*Recordings of all webinars are available email linda@camx.ca
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact linda@camx.ca for instructions

Two Grey Suits
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
Did you know that your Directors & Officers Liability Insurance may be affected by the state of your Human Resource policies?
Specifically, on the Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Application form are several questions having to do with HR Policies:
Does the Company have written policies or procedures in place with regards to termination, hiring, discipline?
Is there an employee handbook? If yes, are employees provided with a copy?
Does the Company have written policies or procedures for employee complaints, or harassment and/or discrimination, anti-sexual harassment policies and procedures, accommodating the disabled?
Does the Company have written job descriptions for all positions?
Does the Company keep a personal file for each employee?
Are regular, written performance evaluations completed for and provided to all employees?
Of course these are basic and fundamental questions for any business, but the more important consideration is: Where does your company stand with regards to these important questions. By taking the proper time, and with the proper resources, you can and should be on good shape in regards to all of the above questions.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
To login as a user: camx.twogreysuits.com
Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly linda@camx.ca
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members
Message from Convention Co-Chairs Heath Waters & Leslie Wilson

Convention 2021 is just around the corner. 27 days to be exact!! Are you registered?
3 days of sessions full of great information that you will want to take back to your Leadership, IT, Finance and Operations Teams to improve your business.
Kirk Weisler will start us off on the 28th with Ahhhh, The Refreshing Leader. Who needs a re-set after Covid?
With technology taking off like it has, my question to you is: Do you have Cyber Insurance? What does Cyber insurance look like and what should you consider. Kevin Casey will dive more into this topic so your business can be covered.
Being virtual allows you to stay in office to implement topics and organize sooner than later. You can re-watch sessions in case something was missed or it was great content and you want to ensure you gathered all of the details.
CAM-X Members are a great resource. They have been through, currently going through, implementing or rejecting the topics Convention will be offering. Why reinvent the wheel when you can glean the knowledge of these great presenters. Aaron Boatin, Jeff Doyle, Pat Vos, Gary Blair, Crystal O’Hara and many others.
Register now before its too late!