The Boost
April, 2021
President's Message

Brad French
Respectfully submitted: Brad French, President
COACH U is scheduled April 21, 22 and 23 and the agenda is excellent. Register today and get your agents schedules planned as you will want them to attend! Click here to REGISTER.
We also held our first agent huddle and we had over 40 participants from our member organizations. The feedback I received back from my staff was excellent. If your team did not participate in the last agent huddle, I highly recommend you send some to the next one. (Scheduled for April 7th)
We will also be holding another CAM-X huddle April 9th. These have been a good way to catch up and get the pulse of the industry from your peers until we can meet in person again. I look forward to seeing you.
As I write this, nearly 10% of Canadians have received their first vaccination and our American friends are over 25%. On top of this the weather is starting to warm up which will help raise all of our spirits. I know I am eager for the warm weather and to spend more time outside.
Stay safe everyone.

Membership Engagement
Leslie Wilson
April caring brings on Sharing……..Sharing COACH U that is. 😉
CAM-X is so excited to be offering COACH U April 21-23. We have exciting sessions planned and round tables for everyone. You don’t want your agents to miss it.
Owner and Agent huddles are a great way to share what your needs may be and check in with others to give an encouraging word.
Mark your calendars for the Agent Huddle Wednesday April 7 @1pm and Owner/Member Huddle Friday April 9 @ 3pm.
Our Member Spotlight, Teresa Bouten a Supervisor with Teleconnect, has had many years experience in the Answering Service Industry; from the old Cord board to automated services and computer based platforms to Cloud integration. Emotional good byes to never looking back. Grumbling got her a position helping people and fulfilling a need. Join me in reading Teresa’s story and the journey she’s taken.
Member Spotlight is for EVERYONE. Owners, Supervisors, Agents, Technology Guru’s, Sales People and any other titles not mentioned. If you would be interested or you know someone great for the spotlight please reach out to me so we can meet them. Contact me by email at leslie@teleconnectservices.ca. I want to hear from YOU!

Member Spotlight
Teresa Bouton
Operations Manager: Teleconnect International
Q. When did you join Teleconnect International and what brought you into the call center industry?
I started working for Glenn Ruecker in 1983. He was listening to me grumble about being unhappy in my current job and how I wished that I had the skills for something different. He asked me to come work for him; in disbelief I accepted the offer.
Q. Can you tell us a little more about the evolution of your career path with Teleconnect International.
As time went on and my responsibilities grew, it became obvious that this business is an integral part of my life. Not just because of the difference we are making as a company but because of the people we all work for and with.
Every day I witness an unshakeable belief that with our help we could help our clients grow and become stronger, and that we could make their lives easier by providing them a first-rate service.
Q. What was your first CAM-X experience?
In 1992 or 93 Glenn joined CAM-X and started attending the meetings and in 1995 they invited me along to the Western Seminar. I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. They spoke of meetings and round table talks but I had no clue what they were talking about. I thought I was on my way to a quiet weekend away from my husband. Boy was I wrong…. I met a lot of wonderful people that weekend. They welcomed me in like I had been attending every meeting and they shared experiences with me. They answered my questions (even the stupid ones) without blinking an eye. I was blown away.
Q. Can you tell us more about how you've participated or benefited from CAM-X membership?
I learned through CAM-X that I was a part of something so much bigger than myself; that I could learn so much from my peers and I could contribute to them as well. They listened to my experiences and allowed me to learn from theirs. I grow more and more all the time from what I learn, and I can’t say thank you enough to Glenn, Sue and all the people that I have met through CAM-X. Until that first seminar I thought business never shared with their competition, that they held it all close to their chest and never let anyone see what makes them a success. I was so very wrong.
Q. What does the company look like today vs. ten or more years ago.
When I started here, we were using a cord board and writing our messages on chits, and hand stamping them. We joined CAM-X, learned about automated systems, and we haven’t looked back. We have grown so much from where we were back then.
Change and growth inside an organization requires a devoted group of people aligned behind the vision and a set of values. This is something Glenn started and now Leslie as well, they strive for and show us these values everyday. It’s a lot of fun figuring out ways to make Glenn’s vision a reality.
The past 37 years has been a wild ride and I am thankful that I was offered a seat, and even more thankful that I accepted the invitation.
Q. Tell us a little personal background about you, your family and your hobbies or interests.
When I first met my Daughter, she was 15 years old, we became good friends, and now 34 years later she and my grandchildren mean the world to me. Life would be so empty without them.
My favorite hobby - I love to write! I make up stories then lock them away in my computer, Occasionally I write one, I think is worthy of sharing but mostly keep them for myself to read.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Education Committee Update:
Call out for participation as a panelist for a Webinar or at COACH U! This is a great way to grow yourself and to gain points for your re-certification!
*Recordings of all webinars are available email linda@camx.ca
Recent Webinars
Webinar AOE – Linda Osip (Recording available)
Webinar AOE Plus – Gary Blair & Deborah Anders (Recording available)
Mental Health “Let’s Talk” With Larry Martichenko
Best Practices – Hiring & Training in a Remote World
Agent Series Part 1: Conflict resolution - dealing with difficult callers and situations
Agent Series Part 2: Customer Service, Organization, Communication
Agent Series Part 3: Professionalism, Socializing in the Office, Self-motivation
Adapting Learning in a Virtual World
COACH U Leadership Training
April 21, 22 & 23
Program Includes
Day 1: Coping Strategies
Motivational Humorous Speaker: Plug into your Humour
Take Yourself Off Mute: Coping Skills Panel
"Is this thing on?" TED TALK - Feedback conversations
"Let's Connect" Round Table Networking
Day 2: Logistics in this new world
Icebreaker - Where do you get your coffee?
Financial Literacy with Ray Wilson - Empowerment within your own home
Panel Zoom & Teams - most effective tools
Who Stole my Cheese?
Change Management: Managing and Adapting
"Let's Connect" Round Table Networking
Day 3: Culture
Rewards, recognition in a virtual world / Employee Engagement
Panel: Mental Health issues / recognizing flags
Round Table Networking
$105.00 Early Bird before April 5, 2021 $75.00
Five Logins:
$400.00 Early Bird before April 5, 2021 $299.00
Ten Logins:
$600.00 Early Bird before April 5, 2021 $499.00
Virtual Convention & Trade Show
September 28, 29, 30
Mark you Calendars - More details to follow
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact linda@camx.ca for instructions

Two Grey Suits

Unquestionably this global pandemic has forced employers into designing work arrangements never done before or in many cases, never even thought of before. One big question post COVID-19 is going to be employees asking WHY they cannot continue to work from home in many cases. This will be especially hard for employers to defend if the employee has been doing their job fully and properly. (new pandemic work from home studies are confirming that worker productivity is actually up!!)
Many employees who now look at commuting time and expense as a necessary evil – may change their tune and favour those competitor companies who do not require a commute, perhaps placing a higher value on employee’s personal time. The expense alone of commuting will have many looking for answers of how to minimize this or possibly not do it anymore.
Work from home is not at all a new concept, but the management thinking around this will need to be new. Here’s what you need to consider –
• Once this pandemic is past us, what onus will be on employers to allow employees to remain working from home if they wish?
• How will employers decide which jobs can be done fully remotely or not?
• What about employees now wanting to work remotely but from a different country?
• What will be the legitimate business reason for requiring employees to attend a worksite on a regular basis?
• How should employers deal with employees that simply refuse to work back in the office?
• What about employees who signed up to be able to come and work in the office, and now there is not a sufficient size office to have space for all employees?
• How demanding will employees be in their request to work from home?
• What are the legal employment ramifications in all of this?
I think you can see that there will be a lot of different views on the employer-employee work relationship. I don’t think anyone will disagree with that. This leads us to the question of what should employers be doing now to be out in front of these issues and more importantly to have answers for them when they do arise. The ‘do nothing’ option here is simply not in play. Employers who do not have answers for these important employee questions will potentially lose very good employees to those more progressive companies who have thought through the employment relationship post Covid-19 and can answer these same employee questions. This fact alone can have a significant impact on employee retention post COVID-19. Potential red flag here for employers.
At minimum employers should have a work from home policy which many already had but will likely need to be revised. Business will have to think hard about the reason for all-employee in person gatherings in future. Yes, team work in person communication and employee socialization is important, and how will companies do this with possibly most of their staff choosing to continue to work from home?
At the very least employers should right now be reviewing their current work from home policy and perhaps re-looking at employment contracts as a means of dealing with this. Really hard questions need to be asked about the legitimate requirement for employees to be at the workplace when all of their work can be done remotely. The idea that productivity suffers with remote work is in fact being found out NOT to be true. By forcing up to 40% of workers in to work form home roles, the worldwide pandemic may provide the greatest ever experiment in work from home data. In regards to remote work, a recent survey by OI Global Partners (Nashville, Tennessee) surveyed business and HR leaders at 585 companies of all sizes across 16 countries and found that 39% reported no change in worker productivity since Covid-19 started and 43% actually reported an improvement in worker productivity!!
If companies are not progressive enough we could see very significant employee movement to competitors who have figured this out. For certain, progressive companies who have developed a post COVID-19 work from home policy must post this on the employment section of their website as this will be a key employee attraction factor going forward. Making it seamless and easy for employees to apply to your company on-line will be even more critical. (One company who TwoGreySuits is very familiar with and has excellent experience in helping companies with this is Annex Graphics).
The bottom-line in all of this is that employees will in some sense initiate calling the shots on work from home, unless management has done the required thinking to address this going forward.
By: Ron Guest, Senior Partner www.twogreysuits.com
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for implementing professional people management practices, and helping you deal with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line answered within 24 hours (but usually within 1 hour!)
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting (permission required if not a website user/customer)
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the global market. We have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
Our website is built on the premise that if you truly see the value and want to manage people professionally, using our tools and information, you will see increased employee engagement levels over time, a win for everyone!
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
To login as a user: camx.twogreysuits.com
Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly linda@camx.ca
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members