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AGM President's Report

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Brad French

President's Message

Respectfully submitted by Brad French, President

September 2021


Thank you for the opportunity to sit as President of CAMX.  As always with CAMX you get out of it what you put into it, and I have learned so much in this year of adversity.  I strongly encourage our members to step up and join the board of CAMX.  It is a great experience and well worth the time.


This year our board focused on three major education areas.

  1. Hiring and training remote teams

  2. Managing teams in a remote environment

  3. Managing company culture in a remote environment


We did this with webinars, two Coach U’s, convention and CAMX huddles.  I cannot say enough about how supportive this association is.  Together we all persevered and then thrived in an uncertain time.

I would like to thank my board this year for their dedication and commitment. 


Thank you to Leslie Wilson, Desiree Bombenon, Cindy Roma, Heath Waters, Steve Newall, Tim Carwell and Garrett Bidwell.  I would also like to thank Linda Osip for another outstanding year for CAMX.  We are so lucky to have her, and she truly makes this board and association shine.  Thank you, Linda.

Watch our Gavel to Gavel Video

Thank you Vince Vitale, Marketing Director

Stewart & Associates

Big Shout out to Startel for allowing us to utilize Vince's talents!

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President's Message
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Leslie Wilson

AGM Convention Committee Report from Co-Chairs Leslie Wilson & Heath Waters

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Heath Waters

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CAM-X AGM 2020 Virtual Convention Report

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson and Heath Waters, Convention Co-Chairs


This year has kept us learning and adapting in the virtual world. It has taken the crash course of 2020 and slowed it down to give greater insights and a better perspective on the best practice ways to run our Centers.

So much has changed since Convention 2020 however we feel that keeping convention virtual for 1 more year (fingers crossed) is the best way to keep us all connected while still being safe. We are blessed to have the technology and the ability to share with our entire team why we love the CAMX Convention so much. The convention committee was able to expand on last year to provide you all with another great virtual convention agenda.


We would like to thank our convention committee for the outstanding job they have done this year. Thank you, Steve Newell, Cindy Roma, Ken Goldenberg and Linda Osip.  This would have been extremely difficult without you. We greatly appreciate your support this year.

This years line up of speakers is incredible.  We have over 200 delegates and our vendors have been extremely supportive.  Thank you all for registering and being part of CAMX 2021.

We hope that we can all see each other next year in Kingston. If 2020 and 2021 has taught us anything, we will be prepared for an in person or virtual convention and it will be full of great insights and the ability to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Thank you for attending CAMX 2021!

Watch our Opening Video

Thank you Vince Vitale, Marketing Director

Stewart & Associates

Big Shout out to Startel for allowing us to utilize Vince's talents!

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AGM Awards Committee Report

Deborah Anders

CAM-X AGM 2021 Award Committee Report

Respectfully Submitted by Deborah Anders, Committee Chair


What a heck of a year! 

In spite of COVID-19 and all the havoc it has generated for the world and for our call center world, I am very happy to say that in the 2021 ATSI AOE program we saw a record number of participating members achieve the award.  This is pretty remarkable considering all the overnight shuffling most centers had to undertake to go virtual and remain in operation. 

In the initial days of the lockdown and following some member inquiries, a decision was made by the ATSI board to pause the calls mid-program for 8 week permitting member companies to catch their breath while they adjusted to going from in-house to virtual centers, literally overnight.  The board also permitted any member to withdraw from the program if they felt the need to while not losing either their rank or registration but simply carrying both forward to the next program.  Ultimately no one choose to go this route.

At that same time, the registrations for the 2021 CAM-X AOE program was just finishing up.  Our board made a similar decision, to permit member companies to opt out of the program, again, without penalty in their ranking or their registration fees should they decide not to move forward.  In spite of this option almost every registered center decided to maintain their participation in the 2021 program. 

In both cases, it is a huge testament to how important and deeply imbedded the fundamentals of the program are in the culture of this wonderful industry. 

Keeping in mind that we are considered essential often even under non-pandemic times, we additionally adopted the tag line of EXCELLENCE WHILE ESSENTIAL for this program, borrowing it from one of our Award Committee-member companies who came up with the idea for their organization. 

I have said it many times in the past as have several others, but given these challenging times, it’s worth mentioning again.  The resilience and strength of the people in the TAS/Call Center world is nothing short of extraordinary. 

The committee continues to progress on its educational push and will be producing more tips of the month as we hear back from members and are able to zero in on where they lapse in terms of their program knowledge.  Assuming what can happen for one, can happen for anyone. 

If I’ve learned anything from being on the Awards committee for some years now, it’s that there can never be enough education.  Keep in mind that Linda offers the pre-program FREE webinar to outline all the aspects of the program, from A to Z.  If you think your company knows it all, I would still recommend you participate from time to time in order to prevent losing track of any one important element.  Oftentimes there is a change up of personnel over time where information is not passed forward or simply forgotten over time even by some long-time participants.  I highly recommend you seriously consider this – after all what have you got to lose other one hour of your time, oh, and possibly the award!!   

Speaking of winning, I look forward to sharing the CAM-X Award of Excellence results which will be announced virtually this year on September 30, 2021.  In spite of needing to be registered to participate in conference, the awards ceremony itself will be live streamed for all members!   

Look forward to ‘seeing’ you up at the podium!

A big thanks to the Awards Committee members who have worked overtime this year to ensure a successful program for both CAM-X and ATSI.  Those members include;  Deborah Anders, Gloria Tonne, Trish McMaster, Tiffani Leal, Brianna Burke and of course, Linda Osip. 

CAM-X News

AGM Education Committee Report

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CAM-X AGM 2021 Education Committee Report

Respectfully Submitted by Leisa McDonald Committee Chair



What a year it has been!  We have all experienced an unprecedented situation with the global COVID 19 pandemic.

As someone once said, “the show must go on.”  Not that this is a show, but I appreciate your effort to be here together virtually. On behalf of the entire Education Committee, I would like to thank you ALL for joining this online Conference. I especially thank the Board Members for your participation.

We are here truly as a collective membership.  We do our best when we do things together.  So, this is a good first step in the right direction to forge synergy between all of us in this new virtual reality.



Our committee has been busy this year working to provide the best webinars, lunch and learns and speakers for this year’s Virtual COACH U conference – Both Spring and Fall versions. We are so excited for this year’s event to share with all of you the amazing presenters and workshops we have planned.   And as always, we look forward to being able to meet up with old friends and make some new ones using the new online platform.  Hopefully, the state of the world will return to normal and we can meet again in person next year and share hugs and drinks with all of you! 

Your committee Chair

Leisa McDonald – Northern Communications


Your Education Committee 

Cindy King – Telelink Call Centre Inc

Gloria Tonne – Intercon Messaging

Leslie Wilson – Teleconnect International

Linda Osip – CAM-X

Sherry Oxner – Answer365

Sheila Jessup – Northern Communications


If you would like to join our committee, please contact Leisa at  

COACH U 2021


Our committee has been busy working on bring together some amazing presenters for this year’s COACH U virtual conferences.  We are sure that the featured topics will provide you with information that that you can utilize to make your business better. As always, we try to select topics that are current and relevant to today’s environment. 

Webinars 2021
The Education Committee hosted several webinars this past season, and the best part is that you can request copies of any of our Webinars from the Engagement section of the CAM-X website.  There are currently over 30 webinars in our collection!


Topics include;

Employee Engagement

Amazing Customer Service

Feedback Conversations





Video Training

Mentoring Programs


Emotional Intelligence


… and many others to choose from!



If you or someone in your organization wants to know more about presenting a webinar, or would like to view the requested topics, please contact Leisa at  

Leisa McDonald

camx_csr LOGO.jpg

 Show your staff they are worthy: 

CSR and Supervisor Certification

camx_supervisor LOGO.jpg

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available

Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits

AGM Communications & Social Media Report


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Heath Waters

CAM-X AGM 2021 Communications & Social Media Report

Respectfully Submitted by Heath Waters

  1. Continue to publish the BOOST monthly

    1. 12 issues of the BOOST were published and distributed through the Listserv and Facebook each month. 


  1. Social Media Goals:

    1. Increase awareness of CAMX & increase engagement -

      Regularly cross promotes events, programs, awards to members via Facebook and LinkedIn.  Significant cross posting listserv announcements to Facebook

      Give social media notoriety to speakers at conference and webinars thus increasing the value of speaker roles


    2. Attract new members -

      Get new or existing members to like/follow the Facebook and LinkedIn page.

      We are doing this through reaching out to members and nonmembers of message centers and their staffs who are not currently following the page.


    3. Push people to the new web site

    4. Benefit Members – One goal for this year will be to work with the social media teams from member companies to cross promote member FB/LI pages and their posts.




"As the National voice for the Call Management industry, CAM-X contributes to our member’s profitability by fostering a willingness to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions while promoting the general welfare and ethical standards of the industry."



"En tant que porte-parole national pour l'industrie de gestion des appels, CAM-X contribue à la profitabilité de nos membres en favorisant les échanges d'idées, d'expériences et de solutions tout en faisant la promotion du bien-être général et des normes éthiques de l'industrie."

Member Spotlight

AGM Membership Development Report
Chair:  Leslie Wilson


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CAM-X AGM 2021 Membership Development Report

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson, Committee Chair



New 2021 Members

Category:     Full Membership

On Call Centre Inc. – Pam Poehlman

Category:     International

AnswerPro -  Jeff Zindel

Call Center Connect, Inc.- Mary Kief & Darin Graybeal

Category:     Vendor

Cloud Consult LLC – Steve Newell

Weehooey Inc. - Bill Hughes

OnviSource Inc.- Deborah Cromwell

Net Gain/Loss for the last year 2019- 2020:               -1    Members

Net Gain/Loss for the last three years 2017-2021:   +5   Members


The Member Spotlight continues to be a success and in my opinion, an enjoyable read in the monthly BOOST.  Learning about what makes up our Membership allows for growth within our Association and excitement for those that can tell their story. Whether someone started 45 years ago or only 10 months ago we can appreciate how their career started in the industry and what CAM-X has brought to them personally and professionally since joining. We have had the privilege to meet Owners, Supervisors, Agents and Support team members.

All members are encouraged to participate and share their story.  The Member Spotlight is for anyone within a member’s organization and by that we mean ANYONE from agents to supervisors, programmers, operational management, IT, billing, sales, finance or senior management and owners.  The profiles are done in a simple 6-7 question format and take less than 30 minutes to complete. 


The Member Spotlight profiled the following members in 2020/2021:

  • Answer 365                                 Thank you CAM-X for your Support

  • Mid State Communications            Heath Waters

  • T.A.S Communications                  Denise Reynolds

  • Accurate Messaging                      Randy Ripkey

  • Intercon Messaging                      Nadine Sans Cartier

  • City Answering Service                 Jody Boutilier

  • Teleconnect                                 Teresa Bouten

  • OnviSource                                  Kim Pippin

  • Extend Communications               Scott Lyons

  • I24                                             Michel Leclerc

  • AnswerPro                                  Jeffery Zindel

If you’re interested in spotlighting someone from your organization, don’t hesitate to contact Linda Osip or myself directly. 

This year we have created a new Recognition to learn what our members are doing!

Recognizing Our Own – This is where we get to brag about the accomplishments of our staff. What accomplishments have they done that is exceptional and we are proud of what they have been able to achieve.


Membership development is a crucial element in keeping our industry association alive and well.

By continuing to develop our membership, we are;

  • Helping to maintain or even lower membership costs

  • Expanding the diverse perspectives that a larger membership brings to the table

  • Creating better buying power for conference locations and lowering attendance costs

  • Increasing the pool of members from which our board is chosen

  • And much more.

If you’re interested in assisting with membership development you can reach out to Linda Osip or myself directly



Members        95       

Satellite          6         

Vendors         7         

Total               109



Toll-Free: (800) 896-1054

Phone: (905) 309-0224


P.O. Box 373
Grimsby, Ontario

L3M 4H8

© 2023 CAM-X

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