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President's Message

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Leslie Wilson

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson, President

Who is this person you have entrusted to sit as President of CAM-X

This is Me…..(cue Greatest Showman) 


I work in our business that has been operating for 43 years in the small town I grew up in; Wetaskiwin, AB.

I have 2 beautiful kids, my son Zachary (17) and my daughter Zoe (13 going on 22) and walking beside me is my amazing husband of 15 years Ray.  We have 2 fur babies, Max and Harley both German Shepherds or German shedders depending who you talk to.

I have sat on Boards for my son’s hockey and currently sit on my daughter’s dance board. Before having kids, these were 2 sports I said my kids will never be in. I will be the first to say I was wrong, and I am their biggest cheer leader. 


Our company has been a part of CAM-X since 1992 with a regretted break along the way. In 2018 I joined The Education Committee and in 2019 I joined the CAM-X Board of Directors. Roles that I have enjoyed being a part of and has allowed me to grow as a leader.

I have met so many amazing people along this journey and I hope to meet so many more.

Fun Facts:

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President's Message

Education Committee Update

Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne

Committee Chair

Last year was a year of adaptability and moving forward. The COVID pandemic gave us the gift of re-evaluating the "what" and the "how," as we've seen with our necessity to move quickly into remote positions, satellite offices, and adapted training procedures and communication platforms. 

​The Education Committee spent 2022 focusing on providing tools to our members with these changes and supporting them with focuses on mental health, interactive online sessions, and opening our arms to new committee members and presenters for our webinars. We adopted the "No looking back- Forward we go" theme of the year, and I need to stress that without our board's support and the Education Committee's amazing collaboration, last year would not have been as successful as it was. 


​Together we stand stronger, which has been repeatedly proven by its members' commitment and dedication. I am genuinely humbled by the gift of time, expertise, and bandwidth everyone involved gave throughout the year, especially the Education Committee (absolutely a dream team). 

​Our new theme as the gavel has passed is now:  Engage With Purpose!

​We will use that as our focus as we re-convene with our new committee to develop a robust schedule of webinars, lunch & learns and COACH U content.

​If you would like to contribute with ideas for content, please feel free to contact me directly: or contact Linda

Looking forward to another amazing year as your Education Chair.

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Gloria Tonne


Boost  Spotlight
New Board Member 
Lynda Caine,
i24 Call Management Solutions

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Lynda Caine


Listen to Lynda

CAM-X News
















Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director

  Theme for this year:  Engage With Purpose!










Would you like to become more involved with CAM-X?

We are looking for committee members for all committees and we would love to see new faces involved in webinars and COACH U as a speaker or panelist.  This is an opportunity to GROW yourself.  There are some pretty cool people who are waiting to meet you and help in your career evolution.  Email me and I'll hook you up! 


*Recordings of all webinars are available email

Pre Employment Software Update:

We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

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 Show your staff they are worthy: 

CSR and Supervisor Certification

camx_supervisor LOGO.jpg

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available

Contact for instructions

New Members last Quarter




Voice Exchange


Kauneonga LLA

Berkshire Receptionists

Two Grey Suits

Two Grey Suits 

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November TGS photo Competing_For_Talent-900x350.jpg

By: Ron Guest, Senior Partner, TwoGreySuits

The new normal is not distant on the horizon, it is here now.

We are very clearly in an employee driven market. Employees have the power now to demand workplace flexibility in ways never seen before, and they are getting their way!

If, as an employer you haven’t experienced the significant post-covid return to work challenges, believe me, it is coming. Employers I have talked with speak of a vastly different employee relations landscape than 2 years ago. The Pandemic has forced companies to do things they previously discouraged – working from home. Pre-pandemic, this option was utilized by around 15% of employees, now it is almost 80%. (Mercers 2021 Spring Flexible Working Policies and Practices Survey) Some companies are treating pandemic required work related changes as a blip or one time anomaly in the employer-employee relationship, while others have learned from this in a way that will hinder those other companies that are seeking a near full or full return to work scenario for their staff.

Many companies are trying their best now to keep these policies of return to work simple, such as minimum 1,2,3 or 4 days/week in the office. They rightfully in some ways argue that this is required for culture building, in person collaboration and all the informal communication that occurs when human beings work in the same space. In fact there are very powerful arguments for this, some even backed up with research.

There is only one major problem with this approach – it doesn’t work! There is simply too much evidence now that suggests strongly that employees are leaving and at a record pace.


There are many reasons why, but the 2 main ones I am seeing are employee demands for flexibility as #1 and compensation as #2.

Employees have learned the value now of flexibility – less time at work or commuting and better flexibility to get all their work done while at the same time having a better balance of their work and home life. Physical moves away from the workplace have offered employees affordable housing options during the pandemic. In these cases the much longer commute by having to return to the office now is itself a good enough reason for them to leave and seek employment with more flexibility. As the demand for skilled workers increases, the compensation is also going up, simple supply and demand. When workers can attain current or better than current flexibility and even better compensation with a new employer, the data tells us they are leaving and in very large numbers.

Let me add a third factor into the mix. Research over the years has completely supported the number 1 reason (by a wide margin)  for employees leaving an employer was the quality of the relationship with their direct manager. So, post pandemic there are really 3 monumental factors why an employee will leave. If an employer is short on any 1 of these 3, then get ready to start recruiting for the staff who just left.


If we know all this because we are seeing it play out in the workplace what can we do about it, to be on the right side of this equation?

Looking at flexibility first; a one size fits all return to work policy approach will not work. Why?, because employees are all different with different circumstances, needs, wants, etc. Flexibility should be decided on a person by person and a role by role basis. Work that was done during the pandemic fully remotely at a satisfactory level must be considered for full remote opportunity. – in my view.  In situations where certain jobs are seasonally busy, why not adopt an approach that says the person works in office full time but during the non peak times can be remote? And letting the employee decide this is key. Even jobs like HR or IT should be considered for remote work, again driven by employee needs and wants. For times when an employer asks for all employee attendance, such as major announcements or town halls or year end results, etc., the employer has to think hard about the implications of requiring all employees to be in the office at once. The main point in all of this is to be less concerned about treating everyone equally and more concerned about listening to employee needs on a one to one basis and acting accordingly.


Employers have various ways to determine how they think their staff compensation is competitive. Some simply use the fact they are able to hire key staff with their current offerings. Good, but this also does not mean they will stay. Others embark on competitive compensation surveys, (good) others look on-line (not recommended) and still others seem to think a certain level of turnover means the compensation must be competitive. (usually not true) All this to say, the compensation landscape is changing at a pace never seen before and I have seen it personally now several times with different situations. We also must remember that no matter what we say as employers, employees will talk about compensation, so if you are making changes to compensation based on compensation surveys as an example, be sure to look at your existing staff first. Additionally, I would recommend using a professional compensation consultant. (I can recommend) Probably the worst thing you can do here is – doing nothing, as the costs of unwanted turnover outweigh any compensation changes in my experience.


As mentioned, pre-pandemic the number one reason by far of why people leave an organization is because of the relationship they have with their direct manager. It isn’t aways known who the problem managers are, this is often well hidden because people don’t want to speak up for fear of retribution and in small offices or companies, saying anything at all may in fact backfire on the employee. In many cases though, this is known but the management team or owner does not know how to deal with it , so it goes unchecked.

There is however one person who knows who these managers are – the person that reports to them. My point here is – as an employer you may not ever know that the reason for a resignation is because of the relationship with the direct manager. Employees often need this person for future references and want to leave on good terms. In my view there IS a way to know who these managers are that are causing people to leave. It is in knowing how well they know their direct reports. You can find this out in a simple conversation by asking a Manager. Managers will typically say they know their direct report’s spouse’s name or their children’s names of their favourite sports team or what kind of car they drive or where they go on vacations, what foods they like, etc. They may recite their work strengths and weaknesses too.

RED FLAG – this is not what we mean by really knowing your staff. Other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking work, a Manager’s people management skills are the most powerful factor in employee motivation, morale and ultimately their own decision to stay or leave. Good managers really know their staff –   especially their goals, their stressors, what excites/drives them, how they define success, what is truly meaningful to them, what their dreams are, their fears, motivators, and what activities build or drain their energy. Effective managers know their staff’s perspectives and their hopes and dreams and they present them with challenges that lead them in the direction they want to be moving anyways.

Motivated staff is a key piece of company culture and we can start by knowing the skill sets of the managers in this regard.

In summary, there are specific things you can do to attract and retain staff and I have mentioned 3 key ones here. Again, doing nothing here is inviting inevitable problems.

TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.

To login as a user:

  • Enter your email address and Password CAMX01

  • If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly


The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:


  • The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise

  • 24/7 HR Hot Line

  • Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members

Member Spotlight


CAM-X Committees 2022 2023:  Who's Who?


Committee Chairs


  • Finance Chair:  Desiree Bombenon

  • Members:  All Directors

  • Convention Chair:  Desiree Bombenon

  • Members:  Gloria Tonne, Sabrina Perron, Sharron Lawson, Steve Newell

  • Awards Chair:  Kelly Davis

  • Members:  Tiffani Leal, actively seeking members

  • Education Chair:  Gloria Tonne

  • Members:  Sabrina Perron, Dianna Gallen, Jody Boutilier, Roxanne Leduc, Neetin Salwan

  • Communications & Social Media:  Erika Jaksic and Lindsay Roche

  • Membership Development:  Lynda Caine

  • Members:  actively seeking members

  • Technology:  Steve Newell, Tim Carwell, Aaron Boatin

  • Nominations:  Desiree Bombenon


If you would like to participate in either the Awards or Membership Development Committees, please contact

Engage With Purpose!


Toll-Free: (800) 896-1054

Phone: (905) 309-0224


P.O. Box 373
Grimsby, Ontario

L3M 4H8

© 2023 CAM-X

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