The Boost
January 2023
President's Message

Leslie Wilson
Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson, President
Fun Fact for January:
January is a bridge between an ending and beginning.
During the ancient Roman era, the inception of January was seen as a bridge between what happened in the past and what the future will bring. In the darkest days of winter, January was regarded as the best time to reflect and make plans for what the coming year might hold.
What to expect in 2023!

The launch of the 2023 AOE program will be delayed until mid to late January. Work is underway to revamp the Client Profile Sheets, which have been a major pain point for participants. We will be beta testing a new system that will be user friendly and will allow participants to input data in real time. Stand by for some amazing new features!
Education and Training
Agent Training Series
We are working on a 3 part series that looks at the first 3 months of training for new hires. Our goal it to create a universal plan that can be adapted with ease and success.
Our focus will be:
What is my role here, what are my responsibilities, tasks?
Customer Service
Dealing with difficult callers, critical thinking – what do you do outside of scripting parameters
The committee has a template with lots of speaker sessions and ideas. We are collaborating with vendors for input to create marketing packages with tiered sponsorship opportunities.
We are currently working on a new user friendly website for CAM-X. Our goal is to launch early first quarter of 2023
Personality Profiling
Beta testing has been completed. We have customized a profile for CAM-X members based on your current needs. We are currently negotiating pricing for our members
Indigenous Education Program
Board Member Tim Carwell is leading this new initiative with help from Desiree Bombenon and Marie Wilkins. Stay tuned for exciting information in the first quarter of 2023.
Welcome New Member

Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Theme for this year: Engage With Purpose!
Next Webinar Wednesday, January 11
WOW Factor Excellence
Your Host: Dianna Gallen
The WOW Factor becomes the company standard on how we behave, act, and perform within the company.
Join Dianna as she shows you how to achieve great customer service and go the extra mile, giving great service to your customers, callers, co-workers and vendors/suppliers.
$75.00 Unlimited logins per company
Time: 1:00- 2:00pm ET
*Recordings of all webinars are available email linda@camx.ca
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact linda@camx.ca for instructions

Two Grey Suits

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
As 2022 comes to a close, I thought it appropriate to share with you a trend I am seeing which is gaining momentum going forward – and the smart smaller companies are already seeing the benefits.
TwoGreySuits, for 18 years now, in addition to providing full unlimited downloads from our state of the art do-it-yourself informative HR website, and 24/7 HR Hotline, is being asked more and more by member companies to help them (small companies) hire their very first HR professional. We do this by guiding companies through the proper hiring procedures all on the website, but in most cases now after initial discussion, we are being asked to do it all ourselves – and we have had increased and great success in 2022 hiring these HR professionals for a small business first HR hire. Several recent excellent hires come to mind.
Managing the people aspect of business does not come easy for most managers, in my experience. There are exceptions, but these are rare indeed.
In fact the #1 reason by a wide margin according to literally all surveys of why people leave their company is because of the poor direct relationship with their manager. In most cases this translates to their manager not knowing how to manage people very well. Of course you won’t hear this in exit interviews, people want to protect their reputation and don’t want to rock the boat by slamming their manager or leaving on bad terms. They may want to call on this manager for a reference employment reference.
So where does an HR professional fit into the picture here? Let’s start with the premise that in most businesses people are considered your most competitive strategic advantage. In other words if you have engaged competent staff who always go the extra mile to help customers, other employees, even vendors, this sets you apart/above from those companies who see employees as simply tools of production. This unfortunately is still alive and well in 2022.
Let’s look at a typical example of a 20-30 person company without a HR professional on staff. Hiring is usually done by a manager who needs staff ‘urgently’. These managers in 99% of the cases have never had any training or education on best practices to hire the best people, period, fact. Then the new hire comes onboard and this same manager uses what they think are good people management practices because they again have never been trained how to properly manage people. Often this is a double whammy, the best person is not hired and then they are also not managed properly. The employment relationship is strained from day 1. Productivity suffers, morale is affected, other higher performing employees see this and themselves become demotivated. Ok, what about when a new manager is hired under these same circumstances with people management responsibilities, the problem is now 10 fold. See the picture…
Trained, certified HR professionals can spot these problems immediately. More importantly they can immediately intervene and take over the hiring process while at the same time training managers on things such as where to be looking for people in the first place, behavioral interviewing skills, evaluating candidates properly, professional reference checks, helping the company develop their employee value proposition, ensuring you are paying competitively, helping managers properly manage new staff, having a proper orientation plan and setting the new employees up for success as opposed to letting them totally fend for themselves.
Looking at the larger picture, this initial value add is only a fraction of the value a small company will realize from hiring a HR professional. Other things include higher engaged employees, lower turnover, significant savings in recruitment fees (usually pays for the HR professional salary fully and then some) becoming legally compliant, treating employment situations professionally in terms of performance management issues, harassment investigations, improving health & safety, ensuring your pay and benefits are competitive, training managers on all aspects of hiring and managing people. The list goes on and on. The important thing is to let this professional in to your company to advise you want needs to be done and then letting them do it vs. the company wanting to tell them what to do.
As another example of value add; HR professionals now are the savviest when it comes to remote, hybrid and contract work arrangements in terms of job or employee eligibility, helping managers to manage remote and hybrid workers and in understanding actions required to retain employee cohesion, trust and teamwork.
Bottom line here is… adding a HR professional in a small company makes sense at every possible level – saves money (a lot of it), significantly better quality hires, less management time on employee issues, professionalizing how people are treated and managed, higher engaged employees (which research has definitively shown now improves profitability)
What size company should consider hiring a HR professional? Around 20 employees are when the absence of a HR professional can start becoming a problem in companies with poor hires affecting other good employees, managers continuing in antiquated ways with larger staffs compounding the problems and managers and owners spending very considerable valuable time on people issues and not knowing how to deal with them in many cases.
If you are managing in a small company or own one, it’s time to start thinking about you first HR professional.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
To login as a user: camx.twogreysuits.com
Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly linda@camx.ca
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members
Convention Committee Chair
Desiree Bombenon
Save the Dates: September 25 - 28, 2023
We will be hosting our 29th Annual Convention & Trade Show
followed by COACH U Leadership Training.
Our Convention Committee has already started planning and we are so excited with the topics
and speakers that will bring so much value to your business and also your personal lives. Engagement through Purpose is the theme that will run through the convention and is aligned with the overall theme of Engagement for CAM-X this year.
Hope to see you in beautiful Calgary Alberta, Canada in September.
Engage With Purpose!