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President's Message

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Leslie Wilson

Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson, President

Fun Fact for February:

Can you spell February?

Don’t worry, this isn’t a spelling bee, but just another of those random February facts.

Statistically, February is among the most frequently misspelled words in the English language, with the first ‘r’ often overlooked.

President's Message

Education Committee Update

Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne

Committee Chair


At our recent Board of Directors meeting in Calgary, Alberta, we had a lot of input from the group and have decided on the following as our main focus tor the next year:

Agent Training

  • Create a generic and professional program for all members (or potential non members) to use

  • Convert the COACH U scheduled for Toronto in April to an Agent Training Workshop adding personality exercises

  • Create a workbook with a certification marker / badge that can be displayed electronically

  • One or one and a half day training to be decided


COACH U Workshop in conjunction with the September Convention in Calgary

  • Poll the membership for session topics and speakers


Topical monthly webinars addressing the issues that you, the members, have requested


Research and create an LMS platform for CAM-X

  • This decision requires a large financial expenditure from the Association for the members




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Gloria Tonne


Boost  Spotlight
Jody Boutilier
City Answering Service,
Fort St. John, British Columbia

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Listen to Jody

CAM-X News
















Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director

  Theme for this year:  Engage With Purpose!

Board of Directors Meeting January 25 & 26 at the Westin Hotel Calgary, Alberta

Sharing Ideas and Breaking Bread Together









President Leslie Wilson, Immediate Past President Desiree Bombenon, Incoming President Gloria Tonne, Directors Tim Carwell and Lynda Caine, Vendor Representative Steve Newell, CAM-X Administrative Assistant Erika Jaksic and Executive Director Linda Osip















Workplace Harassment


Join Jody as she covers this important and sometimes emotional topic:


  • Disrespect vs Harassment in the Office

  • Toxic Work Environment and how to eliminate it

  • Personal Experiences

  • What to do when it’s gone too far



About the Speaker:

Jody Boutilier is the owner of City Answering Service in Fort St John, BC and has been in the Call Center

industry for 17 years starting as an agent for a brief time, manager and then an owner at age 26.


After completing her nursing diploma in 2006 Jody came back to her home town of Fort St John and was working as a nurse and helping her mother at the call center when it became clear that she was going to change direction in her career.


Jody is passionate about growing her business and learning new skills.



$75.00 Unlimited logins per company


Sign me up


Time:  1:00- 2:00pm ET



*Recordings of all webinars are available email

Pre Employment Software Update:

We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

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Next Webinar February 8

Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace

Your Host:  Jody Boutilier


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 Show your staff they are worthy: 

CSR and Supervisor Certification

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Pre Employment Testing Demo Available

Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits

Two Grey Suits 
Common Questions We Get About the HR Power Centre

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This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.

Users of the HR Power Centre, our customers, use the HR Hotline or the email address feature regularly to ask us questions about using the site effectively. These questions and answers will be added to the FAQ's on the site. Below are some of the questions we receive as well as questions we have answered in the past. The site has more than 300 frequently asked questions and answers categorized by topic in each of the 6 modules. Check it out, get the answer to all your HR questions.


Q. I am reviewing the EPR (Employee Performance Review) and objective setting. Should we not be setting objectives for the improvement in behavioral competencies it seems to be a separate rating on the EPR ?

A. When implementing the HR Basics module, there is a natural sequence that should be followed – prepare job descriptions, set performance objectives and then complete the performance review process. Once the top five competencies for a position have been agreed to using the Competencies Questionnaire, they are entered on the job description and the related Competencies Assessment Sheets are attached to the employee’s EPR. You will then want to share with the employee the “Competencies with Observable Behaviors” for the five competencies relevant to his/her job so they know what these behaviors look like in action. By observing the employee throughout the rating period, the manager will be in a position to rate the employee on the competencies when the annual review rolls around. When setting performance objectives with your employee for the first time, there should be one on behavioral improvement. You may want to have the employee commit to a competency improvement objective with which they are comfortable using the Competencies with Observable Behaviors as a guide. At the end of the first rating period, the manager will have enough observable data to set the next year’s competencies improvement objective so that actual observed deficiencies are addressed.


Q. How do I accommodate the on line aspect of the program for example the behavioral competencies. Do I just have people use my password for access to the system is there another way?

A. You should download the Competencies Questionnaire with the built in scoring key and save it. You then email the Questionnaire to each employee and their manager asking them to separately complete the questionnaire and the scoring page. This should be done after you have communicated the objective of the exercise to everyone involved. The Manager and employee will meet after the exercise is complete to discuss their individual ratings and resolve any differences. Once consensus is reached, the final list of the top five competencies is given to the person administratively responsible for inclusion on the job description and the EPR. Incidentally, there are usually very few differences between the Manager’s and the employee’s individual ratings.


Q. Could you explain how the Personal Action Plan form works with the objective setting document?

A. The Personal Action Plan form is for use by Managers and Supervisors to capture their commitment around improving their People Management Skills. Once the plan is complete and approved by their manager, it should be recorded as one of their objectives on their Employee Performance Review along with other performance objectives agreed to and be the subject of regular progress reviews/coaching during the rating period. The Personal Action Plan form and the Guide for its completion appear in the “Setting Performance Objectives” of the Getting Started module as well as in the “People Management Skills” section of the Performance Management module. We did this because there are two People Management Challenges that directly relate to setting objectives and we wanted to make sure that the forms were available there as well as in the Performance Management module. When you have objective setting discussions for other objectives, you should use the Objective Setting Worksheet found in the “Setting Performance Objectives” section of the Getting Started module.

TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.

To login as a user:

  • Enter your email address and Password CAMX01

  • If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly


The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:


  • The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise

  • 24/7 HR Hot Line

  • Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members

Member Spotlight


Message from Convention Committee Chair

Desiree Bombenon

I am so excited to update you all on the upcoming Convention

in Calgary Alberta! Our convention committee has been hard

at work building a stellar program around the important theme

of “Engagement on Purpose”. As we know we are all navigating

the “new now” working to build on our businesses while being

cognizant of the power of purpose to engage and uplift our teams to great things. We will have a number of amazing speakers, sessions, and panels that will provide a vast variety of topics that are critically important to running successful businesses while ensuring the well-being of our teams!


Calgary’s international airport is a major Canadian hub and easy to get to from almost anywhere in the world. We will be putting out the convention materials early as we anticipate a full house, and we will be offering  fabulous pre-conference offsite opportunities to see some of the incredible experiences Calgary and Area have to offer.


Early bird pricing for the convention will be available for a limited time only so keep a look out and mark your calendars for the convention dates of September 25th – 28th 2023, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Engage With Purpose!

Visit Calgary

Westin Calgary

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Toll-Free: (800) 896-1054

Phone: (905) 309-0224


P.O. Box 373
Grimsby, Ontario

L3M 4H8

© 2023 CAM-X

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