President's Message

Desiree Bombenon
Education Committee Update
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne
Committee Chair
Hello Everyone,
Did you know that meditating can improve productivity by 120%?
I learned this yesterday (January 26th) during a fantastic webinar presented by Lill Petrella, Mental Promotion Team Lead with the Canadian Mental Health Association, that the Education committee hosted focusing on Mental health and Self Care.
With January 26th being Bell's "Let's talk" day, it was a timely and powerful presentation, and I think it is fair to say all of the attendees walked away with some new resources and things to implement. On behalf of the Education Committee, I'd like to thank Lill again, and if you missed the webinar, please reach out to Linda for a copy of the recording.
We have some more great webinars coming down the pipe for February, so please keep your eye out for the announcements.
The Education Committee is working hard to reach out and create meaningful content for the upcoming virtual COACH U in the spring through the listserve, polls, and feedback from you; so, if you have an idea for a topic or would like to be involved, please reach out to us at
In closing this month's message, I reflect on the past month and would like to encourage you to take a moment to practice self-care. You're worth it!
As Ralph Marston said, "Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work."

Gloria Tonne
Member Spotlight
Kassidy McGrath with Intercon
Messaging in Drayton Valley, AB
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Would you like to become more involved with CAM-X?
We are looking for committee members for all committees and we would love to see new faces involved in webinars and COACH U as a speaker or panelist. This is an opportunity to GROW yourself. There are some pretty cool people who are waiting to meet you and help in your career evolution. Email me and I'll hook you up!
Award Committee Update: Deborah Anders, Committee Chair
Your awards committee is working hard this quarter on a few projects. We had a webinar to educate our members on the wonderful multi layer AOE programs that are available to test your teams – you pick which level works best for you! We are also offering “Tips for Success”, both written and video, from teams that have earned the award in the past that are being shared to our list as well as to social media. If you have a suggestions for keeping your team engaged and striving for excellence, we would love to hear and share them as well – just send them in to and we can share them with our members.
It's not too late to sign add AOE PLUS!!!
Listen to Deborah Anders passionately speak and answer questions about the AOE Plus program.
This video segment was taken from the 2022 AOE Webinar presentation.
You still have time to add AOE PLUS to your AOE 2022 registration. Email me directly
Mark Your Calendar for our next webinar:
Learner-Focused Education- How to help your agents succeed
Wednesday, February 9 @ 1pm ET
Nadine Sans-Cartier & Gloria Tonne with Intercon Messaging
Find out your preferred way of learning
Break down of 4 learning styles
How to implement the learning styles into your training
Schedule of Events for the 1st Quarter
February 9 Learning Techniques Part One with Nadine Sans-Cartier & Gloria Tonne
February 16 Merits Of Certification
February 23 Learning Techniques Part Two - Extend team
March 9 Remembering Your Roots
March 23 Why do we do this? Who’s the expert? with Leisa McDonald
April 12-14 COACH U
*Subject to change
*Registration details for all to follow
*Recordings of all webinars are available email
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits
Shhh...Don't Say Anything

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
The question many employees in the workplace contemplate is when to speak up about a business practice, process or decision that is not right or on which they disagree. More often than not, the easy route is to go with the flow because this is somewhat expected, has little employment risk, and is less stressful, and the path of least resistance so to speak. Why has our business culture largely evolved to one where you are conditioned to go along with poor business decisions because the other option of speaking up is too risky?
I know a PhD colleague of mine who was let go as a CEO. He had come to the conclusion that our business culture is evolving to one where we chew people up and then spit them out. In other words people are just the tools of the real business power brokers and that people are tolerable in their contribution as long as they don’t overstep their bounds. The flip side of this is that those who figure out how to successfully challenge the status quo, often rise through the ranks and end up being power brokers themselves who often ironically do not genuinely welcome the thought of having their own thinking challenged. In the course of my HR consulting career, many times I have heard employees confide in me that they cannot raise certain valid business issues because they would end up getting fired for it, or some lesser form of added job stress. This is an issue for sure. But, why is it like this and more importantly, what can be done about it?
I suggest that a healthy organizational culture is one where employees are encouraged to speak up at any level without any fear at all of retribution, and furthermore, that this is clearly articulated as a core company value – no fear of retribution for speaking up. Taking this to the extreme, wouldn’t it be interesting to work in a culture where it was a requirement to say at all times what is on your mind about what is going on in the workplace. Of course this would represent a chaotic state. But we don’t need to go to that extreme.
Why employees are fearful of speaking up is not that hard to understand. The risk very often far outweighs the benefits of doing so. Another reason is that employees are not trained in how to properly raise issues in a proper business sense without it often looking like a personal vendetta. Interestingly, as an HR Consultant, when I go in to assess an organization, I always glean more information from talking with non-management employees than looking at policies, financials, or even talking with executives. One of the reasons is that I inherently know that management is often more guarded because there is more at stake for them if they choose to open up.
In a recent client situation, this fear of speaking up was so well ingrained in the culture of the organization, that it was affecting business results in a significant way; it was affecting their ability to bring on desperately needed qualified resources. The culture had evolved to one where if you didn’t agree with all decisions coming from senior management, then you simply did not fit in the organization, and would eventually be terminated. Surprisingly, this goes on every day in many businesses. So, the $64 million question –
How do you prevent this? The best answer I know of is that the top person, usually CEO is the one who sees value in employees being encouraged to speak up where they see improvements would help the organization. This is not to say at all, that all employees need to be in agreement about every decision our business process, it says that employees input is valued and respected without fear of retribution. It also does not mean that every decision is first sent to employees before finalization. We should never expect that all employees would be capable of making senior management decisions. Additionally, there should be a stated ideology which says that employees are encouraged and have the opportunity to input, but that at the end of the day, after consideration has been given and final decisions explained transparently, the company decision often will hold and that employees are expected to fall in line – but only after the opportunity for input and understanding has been provided.
Bottom line; a healthy culture in an organization starts with the behavior and thinking that goes on at the very top level. The value of an employer encouraging employee input without fear of retribution must be clearly believed, stated and followed.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
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The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
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Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members
Convention Committee Report
Convention 2022
Respectfully submitted by Brad French, Convention Chair
No looking back, forward we go!
This is this year’s convention theme.
It is rightly named as what we knew has changed dramatically over the past few years and the changes to our businesses will be here to stay. We are social beings and I look forward to an in-person convention this year.
I also look forward to hosting you at this year’s CAM-X convention which will be held in Kingston Ontario from September 26th-29th. I am also pleased to let you know that CU will be held just before convention allowing our supervisors to listen to our keynote speaker and attend the awards luncheon.
I would like to thank my convention committee of Gary Blair, Dana Lloyd, Ken Goldenberg, Erika Jaksic and Linda Osip. We have had a few meetings so far and we have some incredible speakers already lined up. Once we have our agenda finalized, we will share it with you. This year’s convention will also have a virtual platform to it so that those that are unable to attend can still view our sessions live. More details will be distributed closer to the event.
I look forward to seeing you in person in September!

Brad French

Kingston, Ontario