President's Message

Leslie Wilson
Respectfully submitted by Leslie Wilson, President
Fun Facts:
The first Webster Dictionary was copyrighted by Noah Webster on April 14, 1828.
April is Humor Month, so laugh it up!
Dad Jokes
“I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered”
“I got carded at a liquor store, and my Blockbuster card accidentally fell out. The cashier said never mind”
Education Committee Update
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne
Committee Chair
"Take your future into your own hands. Make it happen. Life is a colouring book, but you have the pens." ~Sophie Kinsella, My Not So Perfect Life
This past month has flown by, with it, the breath of new beginnings. New beginnings can manifest in rejuvenating our current role, uptraining our skills, and re-evaluating our goals. The Education committee provided members with some fantastic webinars.
We started the month with an engaging employee motivation discussion and a Hiring webinar. We closed the month with an in-depth discussion on our pre-employment testing and the all-new Personality Profiling. If you are the person who manages the onboarding for your organization, you'll want this tool in your hiring toolbox. You can reach out to if you would like more information.
The Education Committee is very excited to announce that April will bring the Agent Excellence series to Toronto and, with it, the awareness of how vital the front-line staff is for the bottom line of our success. This education session will give your agents the "pens" to create the meaningful experience they want in their careers.
In conclusion, we know that a short period of discomfort or hardship can provide the basis for a period of happiness and joy and as the days get longer, the weather turns warmer, I encourage each of us to embrace discomfort, sharpen our pens and colour our colouring book the way we want it.
Rates include:
Breakfast, Lunch and 2 coffee breaks
Full day of in depth training
Take home Striving For Excellence Manual
$219.00 1st Delegate
$199.00 2nd to 5th Delegates
$179.00 6+ Delegates
Accommodation Wednesday April 12 Sandman Airport Hotel CAM-X Rate: $179.00
Contact for details

Gloria Tonne

Member Spotlight
PasWord Protection

Example of an Inspired Company
Every single person who works at PasWord Protection is crystal clear on the company’s Core Purpose………… “to keep our customers out of harms way and to protect their property.”
To PasWord employees, this is more than just words on the wall of a lobby. These folks understand that their daily responsibilities could make the difference between life and death. Every time they install a new intrusion alarm system it is designed such that intruders are detected before they enter the premises (Perimeter Protection).
The installation technicians are obsessed with ensuring that every detection device is securely attached to the wall or ceiling, every device must be checked and then checked again, all wiring must be run at 90-degree angles, the owner of the property is to be given simple but clear operational instructions, and any mess they make be cleaned up before they leave.
The Emergency Response Operators know that every alarm they receive could be a life saving emergency.
And then they share their success stories………….. like the time a lady took her dog for a walk and forgot to turn off the gas stove. The Central Monitoring Station received the fire alarm, immediately notified the fire department and then contacted the lady. By the time she returned home with her dog, the fire department had put out the fire, with minimal damage.
Or the time The Emergency Response Operators saved the life of a 4-month-old baby by demanding that the mother leave the house immediately because their CO2 detector had been activated, even though the mother couldn’t smell anything.
They set high expectations and every employee aspires to achieve these expectations.
This is an inspired company
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Theme for this year: Engage With Purpose!
Upcoming Webinars:
April 5
Retention Strategies
$75.00 Unlimited logins per company
Time: 1:00- 2:00pm ET
Personality Profiling Software Now Available
Achieving the Perfect Fit between your Employees and your
Company's Culture
Elite Profiling System
Identify Key Characteristics
Hire Top Performers
Post Interview/Training Guide
Management Strategies
Suggestions for Development
Ask for a Demo

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits
Poor Hiring Practices can lead
to Lawsuits

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
As the economy slowly improves, and with the expected upturn in hiring volume it is a good time to take stock of your hiring practices in an effort to avoid costly lawsuits. Our strong advice is to leave your hiring to proven & trusted professionals such as TwoGreySuits. However, if you choose to go it alone, here are some things to consider when you are again hiring.
Review Your Application Form
Many companies have outdated application forms which can really work against them. You could be open to a human rights claim with harsh penalties applied to you. Any questions that relate to a prohibited ground under human rights legislation, such as a history of workplace injuries, a history of attendance, even asking the name of the secondary school attended could invite external scrutiny into your business or organization.
Study the Resume in Detail – Ask Probing Interview Questions
We often see employers who always take the resume at face value. Studies have shown that people tend to embellish their previous levels of responsibility and also their skill sets in their resumes. In our interviews we ask very exact questions about the candidate’s claims. We want to know exactly what their involvement was in an accomplishment, and we also ask for verification of this with contact information of people they worked with to verify. (and we follow up on this) We are always leary of claims such as “increased sales 250%” or “rated in the top 5% of employees in the company”. If we cannot get a contact person or two to verify a claim, we simply ignore it. This is not to say the person is lying, but if they are making substantive claims and cannot back them up in any way, we will likely move to a candidate who can in fact back up their claims of previous successes. In fact, it is a learned skill to be able to form an opinion in an interview that the person is actually misrepresenting themselves, and frankly, we see this often.
Reference Checking
This is an area which is very misunderstood in recruitment. References should be done to verify resume claims and interview responses. Equally important is finding out exactly why an employee left or was terminated from an organization. Recording reference information is critical. We use a 10 page document and follow a prescribed set of probing questions. In fact, our references are so thorough, we have gained new clients from the people we are calling for references. Most people giving references (the glowing ones) don’t realize that they open themselves up to lawsuits if they are found to be giving an inaccurate reference. In the US, many states now have something such as
Fair Reference legislation, whereby a person will not be held liable for giving an accurate employment reference.
Listening Skills in the Interview
Listening skills in an interview are critical and often not up to speed in the interviewer’s case. Careful attention is required for words like, “we”, or “contributed” or “mutual agreement for termination”, etc. You must drill down and find out exactly what the person’s responsibilities and contributions were, not the group or department. When you tell a candidate in advance that all claims of accomplishments are required to be verified by a former manager, the interview landscape often changes. In fact, candidates that are embellishing their past accomplishments can be easily detected by a skilled interviewer.
Clearly State your Expectations in Writing and in the Interview
Always provide the candidate with a detailed job description. (no exceptions!) Clearly outline what is expected in the job in regard to productivity and meeting certain goals or timelines. Many candidates will over promise and under deliver. Your case for a just cause dismissal is much stronger when you clearly spell out the expectations in advance or as a condition of hire. Avoid at all costs oral promises. In fact, an offer letter should clearly state that there are no other employment provisions or compensation which is not specifically included in the offer of employment.
Probationary Periods
Most people think that the first three months of employment are probationary and that the employer can dismiss an employee during this time period for any reason and without any costs involved. Probationary periods which allow the employer to terminate without termination pay should be clearly stated in the employment agreement or letter of offer.
Employment Termination Provisions
It is a good idea to spell out the terms of employment termination at the time of employment acceptance. TwoGreySuits can help you with this too. Unprecedented damage awards are being awarded by the courts in amounts and areas that have never been seen before. A legal review sometimes is a good idea here.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
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Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
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The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members
Message from Convention Committee Chair
Desiree Bombenon
View Desiree's Exciting Message!
Engage With Purpose!