President's Message

Desiree Bombenon
Education Committee Update
Respectfully submitted by Gloria Tonne
Committee Chair
Hello everyone;
While December is now complete, the quote “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” by C.S. Lewis comes to mind.
We have celebrated a time of spending time with loved ones, letting our people know how much we care about them and spreading a little joy to help make our world a more peaceful place.
We are excited to do our part of this by offering a Mental Health webinar on Jan. 26th featuring Guest speaker Lil Petrella with the CMHA. We are also working on a 2 part interactive series focusing on different learning techniques that will be coming out in the new year; watch for more details announced through the list-serve.
The Education Committee is honored to step into the new year with a sense of commitment and innovation to serve the members of CAM-X and encourage everyone to please reach out to us if you have a topic that you feel would benefit the members and their staff.
On behalf of myself and the Education Committee, we would like to wish everyone a 2022 that plants seeds, spreads joy, and fills your heart with a sense of wonder.

Gloria Tonne

Member Spotlight
Ken Goldenberg with
Direct Line Teleresponse
Ken Goldenberg
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
Mark Your Calendar for our next webinar:
Schedule of Events for the 1st Quarter
January 12 AOE – LO and friends
January 26 Mental Health
February 9 Learning Techniques Part One
February 16 Merits Of Certification
February 23 Learning Techniques Part Two
March 9 Remembering Your Roots
March 23 Why do we do this? Who’s the expert?
April 12-14 COACH U
*Subject to change
*Registration details for all to follow
Board Update
We recently worked through a two part Strategic Planning workshop led by President Desiree Bombenon. Below you will find the 'broad brushstrokes' of our discussions. We will now be working to identify the Pillars for our road map and fine tuning our goals.
I will share this goal: Engagement at every level in all we do - New Blood!
To be the thought leaders of our industry, to develop our people and grow our businesses.
To be a world class member support organization for the contact management industry in North America
To inspire stakeholders to elevate their business through education and idea exchange
*Recordings of all webinars are available email
Pre Employment Software Update:
We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits
Attitude is Seriously Under-Rated, In Fact - It Is Everything

This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.
People who harbor poor attitudes or people, who beat themselves up easily, generally blame it on other things which have happened to them in life. Maybe it is personal relationship problems, financial problems, perhaps a recent job loss. They see themselves as victims. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Don’t let poor attitude convince you that you're not in control. This is a downward spiral. You have the power to choose your attitude, and ultimately your life’s outcome.
The process of human change begins within us. We all have tremendous potential. Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a desired result. But the one thing that determines the level of our potential, produces the intensity of our activity, and predicts the quality of the result we receive is our attitude.
Attitude determines how much of the future we are allowed to see. It decides the size of our dreams and influences our determination when we are faced with new challenges.
No other person on the planet has control over our attitude. People can affect our attitude by teaching us poor thinking habits, unintentionally misinforming us or providing us with negative sources of influence, but no one can truly control our attitude unless we voluntarily surrender that control.
Our Attitude is 100% within our Control
In other words we have the power to decide the way in which we respond to things happening around us that are often out of our control. As an example, when you are driving along the highway and see that you are going to be in a traffic snarl, all the brake lights coming on, overhead illuminated delay signs, maybe the sounds of tires skidding, we can choose how to respond or think about that situation. We can choose to curse, get angry, try and place blame, worry about being late, etc. (all things which raise our blood pressure) We can also choose to think of this unexpected downtime as new found time to do other things, phone your loved one (hands free of course) or to simply relax by putting on some good music, or in other words to decide to accept it for what it is and to immediately put the delay time to better use, such as relaxation even as simple as deep pleasurable thought.
No one really makes us “angry”. We make ourselves angry when we decide to respond by having no control over our attitude/response. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We have the luxury of choosing how we respond, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test. Can you allow yourself to be upset or disappointed? Absolutely. But our attitude will serve to quickly bring us out of this state and not let it affect us going forward. If we select a volatile attitude by becoming hostile, angry, jealous or suspicious, then we have failed the test. If we condemn ourselves by believing that we are unworthy, then again, we have failed the test, we have allowed our attitude to affect our go forward actions.
If we truly care about ourselves, then we must accept full responsibility for our own feelings and how we choose to respond to certain things. We must learn to guard against those feelings that have the capacity to lead our attitude down the wrong path and to strengthen those feelings that can lead us confidently into a better future.
If we want to receive the rewards the future holds in trust for us, then we must exercise the most important choice given to us as human beings by maintaining self-control over our attitude. Our attitude is an asset, a treasure of great value, it largely defines who we are as human beings and it must be carefully thought processed and expressed accordingly.
When you have the right attitude, you can do truly remarkable things. Think for a moment of the successful people you know in your life and how you would describe their attitudes. I’d wager there aren’t any long lasting poor attitudes in that group.
Everyone Has the Power to Change Their Own Situation
Any day we wish, we can discipline ourselves to change almost anything about ourselves, we can choose to open our mind to new knowledge, and we can start something new. We can start the process changing our attitudes. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year. The point is we have within us the power to change by understanding that how we choose to respond to events today will determine how things will unfold for us in the future.
Everyone Can Create Their Own State of Well-Being
Having the right attitude is a “must have” for success and happiness. The right attitude is one of the fundamentals for living a good life. That is why we must constantly examine our feelings about our role in the world, what gifts and talents we bring to the world and about our possibilities for achieving our dreams.
It is our emotional nature that governs most of our daily conduct in our personal and business worlds. It is the emotional aspect of our experiences that determines our behavior. How we feel about life's events is a powerful force that can either hinder or inspire us to take immediate action on any given day. With the right attitude, human beings can literally achieve anything. With the wrong attitude, they can be road blocked and crushed by simple things that would otherwise be considered insignificant.
You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are. The major thing that makes the difference is our attitude and how we choose to respond to events or things happening around us….and the good news in all this is that it is 100% within your control.
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
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The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
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