The Boost
January, 2021
President's Message

Brad French
Respectfully submitted: Brad French, President
I am hoping everyone had a joyous holiday season. I know that this holiday season was far different from ones of past but still special none the less. As 2021 starts it gives us a chance to reflect on the past year and the opportunities that we have to look forward to.
While 2020 was a challenging year, the members of CAM-X came together to help and support each other. We have proven our industries ability to pivot and face our challenges head on. It was a tough year on all of us, but we have proven that we are essential to our communities and to our clients and that we helped the world move forward one call at a time.
I look forward to the challenges that 2021 bring us. I know that all our companies have been strengthened by last year’s challenges and we are all eager to move forward in the new year. The resiliency that we have built last year will only make us stronger for the years to come.
Thank you for supporting CAM-X and on behalf of the Board of Directors and myself I wish you a very successful 2021.

Membership Development
Leslie Wilson
2020 is done, toilet paper is back on the shelves, masks are a new trend and we are praying that 2021 will wipe out the misery of this past year.
But was it all bad? We had time to reconnect with the family under the same roof. No more running from activity to activity and forgetting what family is about.
We were able to realize how adaptable the people around us are. Changes in learning for our kids. Changes in the work place with full remotes for our operators. Training and development and staying connected through Zoom. How many of us really knew the capabilities of Zoom until March 2020.
I know personally, I have become more connected with family across the country and able to see what is happening during their lives. I have been able to see what I always knew my staff were capable of but to see them push through, over come and adapt is amazing.
We have taken on the change and adapted when the time called for it.
That is what Randy Ripkey (This month's Member Spotlight) did with Accurate Messages. There was a change happening and he jumped on the opportunity and rose above. Taking a TAS that needed some TLC to what it is today. Accurate Messages is also our newest Member of CAM-X.

Member Spotlight
Randy Ripkey
Randy Ripkey
Q. When and why did you start Accurate Messages?
In one of my previous lives I was a commercial real estate appraiser in Augusta, Georgia. Our telephone answering service called us one day to let us know they were going out of business on Friday. The broker of the real estate office and I didn't give it a second thought and went back to work. Later that day one of our investors, who I've done appraisal work for and knew I had a background in computers, called me and mentioned he had a tenant who was a telephone answering service and they were going out of business. He also knew I was looking for opportunities beyond appraising and suggested he could bail out the TAS financially if I would be willing to put in a year of sweat equity to help turn the business around. Within a year I took a TAS with 90 accounts losing money, and thanks to advice from friends I met in the industry at STA meetings, turned it into a couple hundred account TAS making money. I was able to pay off the investor and the rest is history!
Q. What is one way you help your clients?
Accurate Messages is a "traditional" answering service with a full range of clients from local HVAC companies to national property management companies, and yes, a few medical accounts. We strive to provide outstanding quality of service for our clients. Our agents are rewarded for their professionalism and work ethic. I'm proud to say my wife Lori has assembled probably the best team of agents we've ever had. They enjoy and appreciate their jobs and it shows in their performance. Most of our new customers are either referrals from existing clients, or callers who ask "which answering service is this? We want to use your company!". I feel providing excellent service is the best way for us to help our clients.
Q. What brought you to CAM-X and why did you become a member?
I've been a vendor of CAM-X for many years, attending the occasional annual CAM-X conventions. This year I was able to participate more actively with Whova and sat in on some of the COACH-U sessions and also a recent "huddle". With my agents now being 100% remote and having agents in four states, I appreciated the opportunities CAM-X had to offer for my agents to participate in educational and motivational online sessions.
Q. What was your first CAM-X experience?
Numerous CAM-X conventions, they are always in such great locations! I would be remiss not to mention Linda Osip. I don't need to tell you she is the best! I always enjoy seeing Linda at the conventions.
Q. Please share a bit about the people that work for the organization.
My wife Lori really runs the business, I just take care of the technical side. Now that we're hosted, even that part of the business is rather minimal. Lori handles the employees, customer relations, and sales. These are really the most important aspects of the business. She hires great employees, brings on new clients, and keeps everyone smiling!
Q. What is something about you that people would find interesting or a fun fact!
Lori and I love to cook! We had a great Thanksgiving dinner for just the two of us, we usually serve Thanksgiving dinner to our employees but this year we couldn't do that. Instead, we sent everyone gift cards with letters of our appreciation. We also really enjoy traveling and can't wait to return to Italy.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director
As we head into 2021, I am reflecting on what we have accomplished in 2020. It certainly was a different year filled will more challenges than we could have ever imagined.
I am so impressed with how strong and resilient CAM-X members are. They were able to ‘turn on a dime’ pivoting their business in a totally new direction. Many of our members literally went to 100% remote in less than 2 weeks.
That takes an incredible amount of energy working together as a cohesive team. They embraced the changing dynamics then turned their focus to their staff.
They discovered new ways to keep culture alive so that agents, management and the technical team felt like they mattered.
The next step was to uncover and create new opportunities. CAM-X members believe in themselves and the people around them. They created excitement instead of doom and gloom.
I do realize that some of you who are reading this right now have lost loved ones and friends to COVID 19. My heart goes out to you.
I remain grateful and count my blessings every day. Wishing you all the very best in 2021.
The CAM-X Board of Directors recently went through an intense Strategic Planning session. The following is the result and direction for 2021:
CAMX 2021 Strategic Plan
2020 produced a steep learning curve for most industries, and ours was no exception. CAMX members shared with us that they experienced an increased need for operating with a remote workforce and that this new way of doing business presented some challenges. Members reported they must adapt their current operating practices to include new remote technology/tools- to hiring- to training- to culture/motivating remote teams. The 2021 Board of Directors has determined that CAMX’s primary focus for 2021 is to support our membership in this evolving remote workforce environment.
Education on remote hiring and training:
New and improved pre-employment testing
Remote tools (we established our first Technology Committee)
Best practices in hiring and training remotely
2. Employee Support in the evolving world of a remote workforce:
Tech tools
Company culture & social media
Webinar series
Supervisor & team Lead training
Expert crisis management & mental health training
3. General Practices:
Policy Writing
Tech training and education
We have assigned specific tasks to our Committees. We are anxious to get to work in 2021!
We think it’s time to freshen up the Award of Excellence. We will be working on an updated Mentoring Guide. Stay tuned.
Award of Excellence 2021 Launch
Sign up now: www.camx.ca/award-registration
Education Committee Update:
Webinar & Lunch & Learn Calendar: Details and login information to follow
Jan 13 Webinar AOE
Jan 19 Webinar AOE Plus
Jan 27 Mental Health – Change management / coping skills
Feb 10 Agent Series Part 1: Conflict resolution, Dealing with difficult callers / situations, empathy
Feb 17 Agent Series Part 2: Customer Service, Organization, Communication
Feb 24 Agent Series Part 3: Professionalism, Socializing in the Office, Self-motivation
Mar 10 L & L: Adapting Learning in a Virtual World
Mar 24 L & L: Recognition
Apr 14, 15, 16 COACH U

Show your staff they are worthy:
CSR and Supervisor Certification

Pre Employment Testing Demo Available
Contact linda@camx.ca for instructions

Two Grey Suits
A Message from Ron Guest

I think like most people I am happy to put 2020 behind us and move on. 2020 has taught us many things that will change how we live and work in the future. Forced change on such a massive scale in which a global pandemic offers will require us to ask some very tough questions about how we work, where we work and how people are managed going forward. My strong sense is that we are under-estimating how many things in this regard will be changed permanently going forward. The pandemic has changed how people and businesses engage economically. Covid-19 accelerated trends that were already underway such as a shift to ecommerce and away from bricks and mortar stores. Working remotely perhaps will yield the most significant change in employer thinking going forward.
On the other side of all this permanent change are still many people simply saying they want their old life back, not a new one they haven’t tried before. In my view we will never go back to where we were pre-pandemic from an employer-employee work relationship perspective. Smart employers will or already have figured this out to their advantage, and of course there will be some employers who will pay a price for not figuring this out.
People have suffered horrible losses with Covid-19 deaths of friends and family members and not even being able to properly say good bye to loved ones. How very sad. It is hard to imagine the pain and anguish people have experienced. There were several Covid-19 related deaths in my mom’s nursing home which really hit home. My mom however is doing fine at 95 years young.
I think we have all learned not to take things for granted, we have learned to be resilient, to be creative, to better communicate, to love our fellow human beings.
In 2020 I expanded my executive coaching practice and hope to have an announcement in 2021 about additional executive coaches coming onboard and potentially offering this service to TwoGreySuits website customers. TwoGreySuits’ Association clients remained very loyal to TwoGreySuits and feedback on the website and 24/7 HR hotline has been overwhelmingly positive.
On a personal note, I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to again golf with good friends in 2020. (57 rounds)
I introduced the game of golf to several people and I find that personally gratifying. My middle daughter Stephanie is getting married in June and we all are looking forward to that.
Some of my personal take-aways from 2020:
Don’t take things for granted, don’t expect anything, appreciate what we already have
We are in control of our own minds, our future, we all have to realize that
Get control of your anxiety or it will control you
Time is a very precious resource, don’t waste it on energy draining people or things that don’t add value to your life
Helping others in times of need is really brain food, try it
One thing many have heard me say before relates to a quote from a Buddhist Monk who once said “life is only available to be lived in the present, we cannot live in the past or in the future” - be mindful of living in the present. If we spend too much time worrying about the future or the past we are robbing ourselves of the ability to fully live life in the present.
Happy New Year to all, wishing you health, love and prosperity in 2021.
Ron Guest
416 460 6198
TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.
To login as a user: camx.twogreysuits.com
Enter your email address and Password CAMX01
If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly linda@camx.ca
The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:
The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise
24/7 HR Hot Line
Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members