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President's Message

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Brad French

Respectfully submitted:  Brad French, President

Thank you for all of you that joined our CAMX huddle.  I know I enjoyed seeing everyone and discussing what is going on in the industry with our industry peers.  We will be planning them monthly going forward.  I hope to see you there.


COACH U Leadership Training is scheduled for April and there is some great content and I look forward to seeing the final agenda.  An investment in your people will pay dividends.  I know my team is always rejuvenated after attending COACH U. 


As I write this, just over 3% of Canadians have received their first vaccination and our American friends are over 13%.   We are making progress and I am optimistic that we will be able to move forward from this Covid threat.  It has been hard on all of us and I look forward to our next in person meeting.  In the next few months not only will we have higher vaccination rates but also some warm weather.    Both are good news as a far as I am concerned.


Stay safe.

President's Message
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Membership Engagement

Leslie Wilson

March, the time of year when the outside around us starts to make a change. The Vernal Equinox occurs around March 20 or 21st. This is when the sun is directly above the equator, making the day and night equal length marking the beginning of Spring. Changes happen all the time. The weather changes, technology changes, styles change and sometimes the direction of our lives change. Change is inevitable. We either choose to change with it or don’t.

Jody Boutilier, of City Answering Service, our March Member Spotlight, chose to make a change and has not stopped. She has embraced the Call Centre experience and has changed, developed and discovered what it all has to offer. We hope to see more of Jody and City Answering Service through out the coming months and year. A congratulations on your new baby in a few weeks.

From Agent stations to the big desk, no matter what our position is, we are all successful. What made you successful? Why do you get up every day and work in the company you are in?  Please get in touch with me directly to and tell me your story. We all have a story, what is yours?


The Spotlight is for anyone; agents, supervisors, programmers, sales staff, management and business owners. We want to throw open the doors and make introductions that strengthen the connections within the industry! We want to get to know YOU!


Fun Fact About March - On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the first ever phone call. It was to his assistant and he said “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.”

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Member Spotlight

Jody Boutilier


Q. When did you join City Answering Service and what brought you into the call center industry?

A. I joined City Answering Service in 2006- I had just moved back to Fort St. John after going to college in Chilliwack, BC receiving my nursing diploma. My mom (Susan) owned the business at the time and was incredibly short staffed and an oil and gas boom began. I would work nights at the care home and spend my days at the answering service. At this time my mom still ran the old switch boards and they began falling apart and only functioning at 50% capacity. 

Q. Can you tell us a little more about the evolution of your careerpath with City Answering Service

A. About 6 months in to helping my mom out I decided to do some research on finding an alternative to the switch boards - this was very outside of my mom's comfort zone so she expressed that she would like to sell the business. I was quite young at the time (22) so I asked if she could hold on just a bit longer so I could potentially a) find a software program and b) come up with the funds to be able to purchase the software and the business. She agreed and I was able in the next couple of years to have a new software program installed and began paying my mother out for the business. 


Q. What was your first CAM-X experience?


A. My first and only CAM-X experience was 5 years ago in Vancouver, BC. 

Q. Can you tell us more about how you've participated or benefited from CAM-X membership?


A. I thought it was a fantastic experience! I came home with a journal full of ideas and was ready to take on new ventures - the experience gave me so much more than I could have ever thought it would. 

Q. What does your company look like today vs. ten or more years ago.


A. It looks quite a bit different actually- I have doubled in size in terms of clients as I have just purchased another answering service out of Grande Prairie, Alberta. I have also started focusing more time on the Safety side of the business with Office Panic Buttons and Work Alone GPS devices. 

Q. What platform do you use? Are you a member of the user group and why?

A. We are just in the process of switching over to the StarTel hosted platform. We were using Taseco prior but that program is no longer supported. 

Q. Tell us a little personal background about you, your family and your hobbies or interests


A. A little personal background about myself- I have been married to my spouse (Eric) for 10 years.  He is also a business owner of a very busy Oil & Gas company. We have a 2 year old son (Brodyn) who is the highlight of our lives and I am currently expecting our second child in 6 weeks- we are definitely busy! We live in the North and the outdoors are just beautiful up here- in the summer my husband and I try to get out golfing weekly and we also live on a lake so we get out on the boat and enjoy swimming and surfing in the summer and snowmobiling and skating in the winter. 

CAM-X News


Respectfully submitted by Linda Osip, Executive Director


Education Committee Update:

Call out for participation as a panelist for a Webinar or at COACH U!  This is a great way to grow yourself and to gain points for your re-certification!

*Recordings of all webinars are available email

Webinar & Lunch & Learn Calendar

Jan 13            Webinar AOE – Linda Osip (Recording available)

Jan 20            Webinar AOE Plus – Gary Blair & Deborah Anders (Recording available)

Jan 27            Mental Health “Let’s Talk” With Larry Martichenko

Feb 3              Best Practices – Hiring & Training in a Remote World


Agent Series for Professional and Personal Development:

Feb 10            Agent Series Part 1:  Conflict resolution, dealing with difficult callers and situations,                                empathy

Feb 24            Agent Series Part 2:  Customer Service, Organization, Communication



Mar  3            Agent Series Part 3:  Professionalism, Socializing in the Office, Self-motivation


Mar 10            Adapting Learning in a Virtual World

Mar 24            Recognition


Apr 21,22,23    Date Update       COACH U – Keep FUN in the Forefront!

Topics to include:

  • Motivational speaker

  • Ted Talks throughout – research relevant topics

  • Dealing with Stress

  • Mental Health Issues – recognizing flags remotely

  • Bullying

  • Adjusting to updated platforms, staying current, not feeling that you can’t keep up

  • Team work for virtual teams

  • Reward, recognition in a virtual world

  • How to have FUN

Virtual Convention & Trade Show

September 28, 29, 30

Mark you Calendars - More details to follow

Pre Employment Software Update:

We are actively working to add Personality Profiling as an option

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 Show your staff they are worthy: 

CSR and Supervisor Certification

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Pre Employment Testing Demo Available

Contact for instructions

Two Grey Suits

Two Grey Suits 

Just Cause:  The Law and Practice in Relation To Job Performance

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This article is part of the TwoGreySuits Managing Employee Performance Series and is offered by our partner, TwoGreySuits as a service to our members.


By Megan Burkett, Employment Lawyer (at the request of TwoGreySuits)


An employer can dismiss an employee by providing reasonable notice of termination of an employee’s employment contract, or pay in lieu thereof. In the alternative, an employer can dismiss an employee without reasonable notice or pay in lieu if the employer has just cause to do so. Providing reasonable notice is the most common option, as just cause is an increasingly difficult standard to satisfy. Generally, the court takes a contextual approach in deciding whether the employer dismissed the employee for just cause. The court will determine whether the nature and seriousness of the employee’s conduct can be reconciled with sustaining the employment relationship, or whether the conduct of the employee has made it impossible for the relationship to continue.

Establishing just cause on the basis of incompetence or poor performance is arguably one of the most difficult grounds to substantiate in court. To establish that an employee should be dismissed for just cause on these grounds, the employer will have to show


  • that the employee has, over time, performed below the objective standard of performance expected for the position held by the employee;

  • that the employee has been notified that his or her performance is being questioned, giving the employee the opportunity to address the employer’s concern;


  • the employer must then provide the employee with this opportunity; and


  •  if the performance does not improve, the employee must be provided with a warning that specifically states that failure to improve will result in termination of employment.

All of these factors would be addressed in a properly drafted progressive discipline policy. It is important for employers to understand that there is a gap between the theory and practice of the law of just cause. Only with this understanding can employers take the steps necessary in attempting to bridge this gap. Employers are urged to put a progressive discipline policy in place. This type of policy imposes increasing levels of discipline and provides employees with an opportunity to improve.


For example, an employer could begin imposing verbal warnings, then written warnings and finally termination. The severity of the incident should justify the level of discipline imposed. The final incident prior to termination, also referred to the culminating incident, should be substantial enough to justify the termination.


Employers should also keep in mind that the progressive discipline policy is meaningless unless it is circulated to and understood by all employees, and adhered to in an efficient and consistent manner. Termination for just cause should only be used in select circumstances where an employee’s behavior or performance clearly meets the standard. It is important to assess each situation and determine whether an employee’s behavior or conduct is enough to satisfy the standard of just cause.

TwoGreySuits is a leading-edge provider of on-line human resource management information, processes, tools and forms servicing the North American market. They have integrated the HR practices associated with the key drivers of Employee Engagement within the well-organized information on the website.

To login as a user:

  • Enter your email address and Password CAMX01

  • If you are not currently signed up, please email me directly


The TGS System is a one-of-a-kind product that includes:


  • The HR Power Centre for dealing with the day-to-day people management issues that inevitably arise

  • 24/7 HR Hot Line

  • Topical regular Blogs suitable for reprinting by the Association members

Member Spotlight

Toll-Free: (800) 896-1054

Phone: (905) 309-0224


P.O. Box 373
Grimsby, Ontario

L3M 4H8

© 2023 CAM-X

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